Friday, October 28, 2011

Puzzle Box Quilt top

I finally sewed the borders onto my Puzzle Box Quilt top. I had sewn the blocks together a few weeks ago. I decided on a plain black border. I was sort of surprised at how many different blacks are out there! I decided on a Kona Bay solid black. It was my favorite.  I also found out that many solids are cheaper than prints. I've never bought too many solids in the past.

According to the pattern, the borders were supposed to be 15 inches wide but I settled on 10 inches. I felt that 15 inches was too wide. Also, I plan on machine quilting this quilt on my domestic sewing machine and felt a smaller quilt would be easier to handle.  I really don't need an 81 X 81 quilt.
I really like the final result! Let me know what you think too!!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Blogger's Block #2

I had a doctor's appointment this morning and didn't think I would be able to get the new block completed for Blogger's BOM but I did!! I did find this block much more difficult than the previous block. I still enjoyed it and it really didn't take that long. These are the fabrics I used.
The bottom 2 fabrics are Kaffe Fassett which I love. My fat quarter pack is coming in handy for this project.

This is my block #2. I like how the colors came out and the points were easier to match than I thought. I find these blocks are great learning experiences. I rarely iron open my seams but these 2 blocks have opened seams. I'm learning to think a little differently and my blocks are coming out great. Thank you to the wonderful designers of these blocks. It's such fun. Now I can't wait until next month!!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Lace Scarf/ New Hexagons

This is just a little update on my lace scarf. It started out to be extremely difficult. I cannot say how many times I had to rip out rows. Then came the task of trying to figure out just where I was on the chart. However, I think I'm getting a little better at it now. I didn't seem to be ripping out as much yesterday. I worked today so I haven't even attempted any knitting. I'm not even sure I will try later on. I'm so tired that I will probably screw it up! This is not the sort of pattern you can knit if you're tired and cannot pay close attention. It probably doesn't look like much but I am so glad I've come this far!

While making myself crazy over the scarf, I have been working on my hexagons. I am happy to say I have two more to add.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Mystery Quilt

Our quilt guild is offering a mystery quilt. I haven't done one in a long time and thought it would be fun to do.
The quilt is supposed to measure 48" by 60" but I plan on making the borders a little wider. The only information we received this month was to pick 5 light prints, 1/4 yard each.
Also, 5 medium prints, 1/4 yard each.
 And last but not least, same with 5 dark prints.
 I think this is a great way of using up some of my many fat quarters that I seem to have collected over the years. My daughter helped my pick out the fabrics. We "shopped" from my stash. This will be a free quilt in my eyes!! Hope I can get the borders out of my stash too. We'll have to see.

I also started to knit a lace shawl/scarf. The yarn is so thin! Very slow going. I will post pictures when there is more to see. For now, 20 rows looks very small!!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Not sure about anyone else, but this past weekend was very busy for me. Even though it was a long weekend, I had to work Saturday and we celebrated my daughter's birthday Sunday night. My son stayed over on Sunday night and spent most of the day home yesterday.

I was hoping to get so much done but that never really happened. I did manage to finish a sock that I had been working on. I loved the lace pattern at the top of the sock. I had bought this yarn years ago at Joann's. I finally found the pattern I was looking for and started making this sock about a week ago. Not sure if I'm going to keep it for myself or give it to my daughter.

Joann's was having a sale so I went last night. I had had a headache all day but felt better after supper. I ended up buying this book with my 50% off coupon. I thought was a great idea! You can mix and match the 3 parts of a sock and come up with your own special item. Also, toe up socks are great since you don't have to graft the toe section when finished. Even easier!

Hoping to work on my quilt top later. Of course, I plan to sew but hope I actually get to it! My plans never seem to work out.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

New Yarn

A friend and I went to the Spin-Off Autumn Retreat (SOAR) in Manchester, NH today. We are not spinners but hoped to buy some great yarn at the vendor market. We had a wonderful time. I had been told in detail what my daughter wanted me to buy for her. She is making a cable and lace scarf. She wanted some sort of variegated blue. After much walking around, I did find something I knew she would like.

I also have a few projects in mind. I am always on the look out for some nice sock yarn. I'm not sure why but I love to knit socks. It's always more fun if you have some neat looking yarn. These are both hand dyed. I found the pink to be different and the gray was somewhat quiet. The pink was almost out of stock. The owner told me she only dyed 12 hanks in this colorway. The gray has a wonderful shine to it. The picture just doesn't show it.

I have always wanted to make a lace scarf/shawl. I thought a lavender would be a great color. This one caught my eye.

 That's what I have to show for my trip to SOAR. I found it very interesting watching people spin their own yarn. Maybe someday, when retired, I will look into it a little more. For now, I am lucky to complete the knitting and quilting projects I can find time for. I will show my projects once they really get going! So much to do! Just need to find time!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Fall Penny Rug

I just finished this little penny rug. I have made a few and enjoy changing them with the seasons. I didn't have one for fall so I bought it the last time I visited Keepsake Quilting. It's a kit that comes with everything you need to complete one penny rug. The best thing about it is that all the shapes are already cut and just waiting to be sewed. I almost bought a Halloween themed kit but felt I could use this one for a longer period of time. I will probably make a Halloween one eventually. I just wanted something to change from my summer decorations. It's a cute and fast little project.

Frightful Fun BOM Update

I'm not sure why but the April blocks for Frightful Fun are already up! I made these blocks in an afternoon. These are quick and easy! (...