Friday, August 27, 2021

Checkerboard Table Runner

I had my day planned yesterday but it just didn't work. I had a dental appointment that went well. I had hoped to come home and write up I Like Thursday post. However, on my way home, someone rear ended my car. I was on a busy street, stopped at a red light, when the car behind me decided to make another lane. There was no space so he ended up hitting the back of my car. We both pulled over. I asked him what he was doing since it's only one lane. I went back to my car to grab my cell phone when he took off. I called 911 but I never got his license plate. Other than a few scratches, there was no damage. It just screwed up my day. I did manage to finish my table runner. One good thing after all that! It measures 12" X 48". Sewing was my therapy!

This is the backing. I wanted something geometric but couldn't find anything. I do like this little floral and the colors are perfect. 

I felt better after finished my project. The rest of the day just felt off. I worked today and feel better about it. It was just aggravating more than anything else. 


  1. Oh I am sorry you had a messed up day. Last year in November I came out from work and a woman had tried to whip a u turn into the parking space by my car and hit it (from the back fender all the way to the front fender. When I came out the only reason she was still there was because another employee saw it and stopped her as she was getting ready to drive off because she took a pic of her license plate. The lady who hit me actually started yelling at me about how damaged her car was. I had to call the police. Love the back you chose for your runner.

    1. Thanks, Colette! You know how I feel regarding the car incident. So annoying! I really felt stupid that I didn't anticipate the guy taking off. Live and learn, I guess.

  2. Sorry you had to have that happen--I cannot imagine just driving off--but we hear a lot of that going on.
    I like the little "square-ish" flowers on your backing..really cute finish Sewing is really good therapy...
    Hope your weekend will be a restful one...hugs, Julierose

    1. Thanks so much, Julierose! I really needed to sew that day. It helped me get over my nerves. Hope all is well after Henri!

  3. Oh no a hit n run. So sorry your day was messed up. Hope the rest of the week is perfect. Glad just scratches personal injury. You finished your runner and had a runner too.


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