Thursday, August 12, 2021

I Like Thursday #105

It's time for I Like Thursday! You can read more I Like Thursday positive posts by visiting LeeAnna over at Not Afraid of Color. She has a nice list of bloggers. So sorry I'm very late today. I've had such a busy day that I just sat down. I've been making great progress on my Frozen Forest Brioche Shawl. I'm still using a lifeline but I haven't had to actually use it lately. It makes me feel a little better to know that if I mess up, I don't have to rip up too much. I only have 2 1/2 repeats left to make! 

This is the latest book I read. Her previous book was "The Nest" which I haven't read yet. This book is about mothers, marriages and relationships. It's written well and kept my interest throughout. I highly recommend it!

I have never sewn garments before. A friend of mine talked me into trying to make a shirt. We chose this pattern together. I'm not sure how far this project is going to go!!

I was busy doing something when I looked up. These two were watching my every move. It was sort of funny to see them staring at me even though I wasn't doing anything very interesting! These kitties surely entertain us!

I hope you have a great weekend! It's so hot here right now. I'm looking forward to a cool down!


  1. That shawl looks terrific. It's a really cool pattern. Kitties are cute!

    1. Thanks so much, Sally! That shawl is taking forever but I keep telling myself it's worth it!!

  2. Your shawl is going to be so beautiful. I definitely think you can sew a shirt what with your sewing skills, Rosemary. Yes, our pets are definitely constant companions.

    1. Thanks for the vote of confidence, Jocelyn! Brioche knitting is nice but it's so easy to mess up!

  3. I love your shawl! Your kittens made me laugh, I think you are Cat Tv for them and that is why they were watching you so intently! :) Have a great day!

    1. Thanks, Michele! You made me laugh about being cat TV! You're probably right!

  4. Your shawl is gorgeous. The local quilt shop/yarn shop has a brioche knitting class. I grew up sewing clothes, and when my daughters were growing up I made a lot of their clothes. LOL the kitties. Whenever I walk outside I get bombarded with kitty affection. Sometimes too much kitty affection.

    1. Thanks, Colette! I have a love/hate relationship with brioche. I like how it looks but I screw up and then I hate it! We'll see how my sewing clothes comes along.

  5. Your shawl looks great! I took a class on brioche knitting, made a beautiful warm scarf and that was that. Such cute little companions watching your every move. Obviously they thought you were doing something interesting even if you really weren't. Hahaha!

  6. Love your shawl. You can make clothes. WAY easier than the intricate work you do in quilting. Great pattern to start. I want to try my hand at a quilted jacket someday. Something simple. Your kitties are funny. Mine is a snuggle bunny lately. I cant move without his paw touching me. Lol

    1. Thanks, Dawn! Your cat sounds adorable! I would love to make a quilted jacket too. If you see an easy pattern, let me know. I never made clothes since my dad made them for us while we were growing up. I could never measure up to him. I bet he'd get a kick out of me trying to make a shirt. We'll see how it goes!!

  7. your houses quilt is AWESOME. So is the brioche scarf which I'd have no idea how to make, it is just gorgeous! The shirt seems to have no set in sleeves so it should be fast to make. I started with clothing design. Those sort of hanging shirts must be fitted to your shoulders though to be comfy. The watchcats are so funny! Wonder what they are thinking

    1. Thanks so much, LeeAnna! I'm not sure how sewing clothes is going to work out! I'll let you know!!


I Like Thursday #264

It's time for I Like Thursday where a bunch of us bloggers post lots of likes. Please visit  LeeAnna  to link up to more blogs. I finish...