Monday, July 31, 2017

Binding Patchwork Swoon

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I've been working on binding Patchwork Swoon. I found it sad to finish it. It's nice to watch a movie or television and do some mindless handwork. I feel less guilty while sitting on the couch. It's a nice excuse to rest!

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Here's a closeup of the binding. I really love the color as well as the polka dots. Happy ending to Patchwork Swoon! The color of the polka dot is the exact same color of the blue background fabric in the quilt. So glad I found it!

Next up, binding Arcadia Avenue. Then it's time to go back to Green Tea and Sweet Beans. I have     2 1/2 borders left to applique! Isn't there always a "next" project???

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Arcadia Avenue DONE!!!

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I still can't really believe! Arcadia Avenue is finally done! It was a long haul but such a nice feeling to know that's it's finally all quilted! I knew it would be quite the project when I started but I had no idea it would take me this long.

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I quilted parallel lines in the triangles along the edge of the quilt..I chalked a line down the middle as my own only marking. I quilted one inch away from the seam line and changed direction at the chalk line. Easy and fast!

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Here's the quilt before I trimmed off the excess batting and backing. It looks so much better afterwards. Who cares?! It's done!!!!!

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Scrap Vortex Part 2

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I just about forgot Scrap Vortex. I started this project months ago. I went through all my scraps and finished the first part. It took me weeks to go through my fabric stash. If you're interested, you can read about the project here at Crazy Mom Quilts. Her Scrap Vortex quilt looks beautiful! Part 2 is basically putting 2 scraps together of similar size. My problem is that many of my scraps are large. I'm cutting them down as I go along and mixing and matching like sized scraps. I think that's why this step is going to take awhile. 

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This is the pile of scraps I have left from the first step. It may not look it in the picture, but that's lots of scraps! I feel that after this step is over, the next steps should be faster. I don't think I'll have to trim many pieces after Part 2 is complete. We shall see! Further updates when I get through that pile of scraps!

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Doily and Slabs

I just finished my knit doily. I think it came out pretty good. I didn't like sewing on the border but it wasn't that bad. This picture shows the doily all blocked.

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This is the doily before I blocked it. I had already sewn the border on. It reminded me of a beret! 

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I washed the doily and then pinned it on my board. This board had a great 12 inch circle already printed on it. It was so easy to pin the doily to the proper size. I laid a piece of saran wrap below the doily so my board wouldn't get soaked. I took advantage of the weather and let it dry outside. So easy!!

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Turning my attention to my lovely slabs! I have some nice fabric to sash and border the blocks. This will be such a great table runner!

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Patchwork Swoon Quilted!

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I finished quilting Patchwork Swoon! So excited! I didn't think it was coming out that great but it looks so much better off the longarm. I tried all sorts of ruler work and I think it came out fine. I tried an idea from the magazine Machine Quilting Unlimited. Bethanne Nemesh had a nice idea about a border pattern and I did it. 
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This is just a small picture of the border. The feathers start very small from the middle of the border but get larger as you reach each corner. Then the open area is filled in with loops. I marked everything before I loaded the quilt top. It makes a nice "frame" to the quilt. 

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Here's the back. Love seeing that texture!

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Here's the fabric I'll be using for the binding. So cute!!

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

More Machine Quilting

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I just finished quilting the last block of my Arcadia Avenue quilt. So excited!

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Just a little close up of the quilting of that last block. Phew! Blocks are done!!

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The only quilting left is the black fabrics around the edge of this quilt. It's difficult to see in this picture. You may be able to see the pins. The black areas between the pieced blocks have already been quilted. This is the easy part!

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I have 2 borders left to quilt on my Patchwork Swoon which I am quilting on the longarm. I unexpectedly purchased a longarm this past fall. At the time, I had just started to quilt Arcadia Avenue. My goal has been to finish Arcadia Avenue so I can concentrate on the longarm. Although I've been machine quilting for a few years, the longarm is so different. I'm making progress but not as quickly as I had hoped. I think part of the problem is I'm still quilting on the Sit down quilter. I'm hoping to use the Sit down for small projects and use the longarm for most everything else. I'll sell the Sit down if I no longer use it.. 

The longarm is a lot of fun but it involves a whole new set of skills. Getting there! I've been using rulers as well as free motion quilting. Getting there one small step at a time!!

Friday, July 7, 2017

What I've Been Doing

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I've been machine quilting Patchwork Swoon on the longarm. I'm trying to get comfortable using rulers. I draw my "stem" with a fabric marker and sew over the line with a straight line machine ruler. It's not too hard as long as you follow that marked line. I do tend to go off at times. I then use a round circle ruler to make my "petals". I'm getting better at it although my foot goes a bit off course sometimes. This quilt is almost finished. The longarm is so fast!

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I'm taking a short break from my applique border by working on this little doily. Doilies are so hard to find now. I love making them. They're quick and practical. I bought a huge cone of cotton thread. It will last a long time so I can make as many as I like!

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This particular pattern has a border worked separately and then sewn onto the body of the doily. I prefer to work the border on the doily as one piece but thought I'd give this method a try. 

That's what I've been doing. How about you?!

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Happy 4th of July!!

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Wishing everyone a happy and safe 4th of July! My mom is coming over for a small cookout. Looking forward to an afternoon of family and food. The best things in life!

Happy Birthday, America!!

Halloween BOM Frightful Fu

I've been working on my Frightful Fun BOM since I'm all caught up with the Laurel Ridge BOM sponsored by The Quilt Show. I finished ...