Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Two Projects

 I'm so glad to be back to my blog. We had our family room carpeted yesterday. I cannot explain the hours it took to get that room ready. We have a bookcase in that room that took forever to pack up. I didn't realize we had that many books! Anyways, the carpeting is done and the room looks great. My poor mom felt bad for me so she came over this morning and helped me put everything back in order. It's so nice to have that all done. Let's hope we don't need any other room carpeted for awhile. I don't think I'd be able to get through it again. I did manage to finish this ornament. I have to mail this person's gifts so I wanted to get it done early to get in the mail. I didn't think it needed any trim since that red and white border does such a great job.

I'm almost done this cute little bootie. There are no seams to sew up when finished. I thought it would be done already but that carpeting kept me busy. Anyways, it's a light blue yarn. My daughter's friend had a sweet little boy so I thought I'd make them for her. 

I'm hoping I can rest a little today before the cooking starts tomorrow. This time of year is so busy!!

Thursday, November 21, 2024

I Like Thursday #256

 I'm feeling better so I'm back to I Like Thursday! Please visit LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color to link up with more bloggers who post positive content every Thursday. Before all the Christmas madness begins, I thought I'd share a picture of Apple Cider Sangria. I ordered this drink a few weeks ago when we went out to eat. There was cinnamon sugar along the rim. So tasty!!

I read this book recently. I think I read it years ago but I had forgotten the story. It was also a mini-series back in the late 70's. It's a story about a family who leaves New York City for a safer and calmer life. They get exactly the opposite! Stephen King based his Children of the Corn on this book. I really enjoyed it.

We're finally replacing the carpeting in our family room. I have the bookshelf about half emptied. This is the largest room in the house. We kept putting it off because of what a pain it will be to empty the entire room. We're getting there! I am looking forward to the new carpeting. The old carpeting has had it!! Sorry that the picture is a little crooked. Lily is sleeping on my lap and I'm trying not to disturb her!

The prompt this week asks what dish we usually take to family dinners. I usually bring dessert this time of year. Pumpkin pie is one of favorites to make for gatherings. I have an awful sweet tooth!

That's it for me! Have a wonderful weekend. It's actually raining today which is great. We've been in a drought for quite a while!

Saturday, November 16, 2024

Possum Witch Cross Stitch

 I've been sick for the last couple of days. I had a low grade temperature as well as some chest congestion but I never really got a cold. I also got sciatica so I wasn't in the best of shape. However, my fever seems to be gone and my sciatica seems to be improving. Ugh! I hate being sick. I mostly stayed home and stitched what I could from the couch. I finished this Halloween cross stitch. I've already stitched this once before. I used this to make a little quilted wall hanging for my daughter-in-law. I liked it so much that I made one for me! The background is actually a pale blue but looks darker in the photo. This pattern is from the Just Cross Stitch Halloween 2024 issue. 

I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend. I'm going to try and sew down the bindings on my Christmas table runners. I think I'll be good as long as I'm on the couch!

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

A Couple of Finishes

The Christmas table runners have their binding! I started sewing the binding on the runner on the left. They're not very large so it's going fast! I should be done by the end of the week. I really love how they came out. It's so nice that I started early and they'll be finished well before the Christmas holiday.

I finished the cross stitch ornament last week. I changed up the colors but left the snowflakes white. I like how it came out!

It's so windy out right now. I brought both cats to the vet and almost fell! The window was whipping around the cat carriers and I almost went down! I'm glad to be home and in one piece!

Thursday, November 7, 2024

I Like Thursday #255

 I can't believe it's already Thursday! I got both my Covid and Flu vaccines a few days ago. I had a fever and just felt awful for a few days. I'm finally feeling better. I did manage to get a little shopping done. I saw this calendar and thought it would be a great addition to my sewing room. Each month has a quilt project and the directions are included! Not bad for $7.99!!

My daughter-in-law loves Halloween fabrics. When I saw these fat quarters, I just couldn't resist! I think these are fun and so unique. They're from Rifle Paper Co.

I bought myself this very fun fat quarter bundle. This is the Curio line also from Rifle Paper Co. I just love the colors. They're not really muted but definitely not as bright as I'm used to working with.

I'm purposely trying not to think about the election. I hope things aren't as bad as I heard they will become. I'm going to keep on quilting and sewing and trying to remain positive. I'm grateful to be living in the blue state of Massachusetts.

I'm linking up with LeeAnna over at Not Afraid of Color for I  Like Thursday. Have a great weekend!!

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Different Shapes, Different Quilting

 I forgot to mention I voted this past Thursday. I'm glad I got it done and don't have to worry about lines. I'll be watching the returns later today. I'm trying not to get too nervous but it's definitely too close for me!

The blocks meet in the runner and create a different shape. I decided to quilt those areas a little differently. I tried to use wishbone with arcs and straight lines. Those purple spots are already gone. I use a purple marker to mark my lines. I'm just about half done quilting these table runners. It's so nice to work on quick projects!

I'm also trying to enjoy the great weather. It's almost 70!!

Friday, November 1, 2024

Quilting Table Runners

I have one backing but wanted to quilt 2 table runners at the same time. It took a few attempts to get everything set up properly. I left 4 inches in the middle between the runners. There's plenty of space on the backing on the outer sides of the runners. I loaded the same as I would any quilt. I pinned the bottom edge to the leaders but each table runner was pinned as a separate quilt.

I'm quilting each runner exactly the same. I thought ribbon candy would look good in the borders. Each of the triangles has arcs quilted on each side. The flying geese has 3 echoed arcs per short side. The longer piece made by the flying geese and triangle just has lines following the shape of the that piece. I was hoping it would convey some movement. Anyways, now that all the quilting has been decided, I just have to repeat these motifs until the runners are done. I like it and will work on it a little bit at a time. It shouldn't take too long since these table runners aren't too big. I'm using a very light grey Aurifil thread. 

Halloween BOM Frightful Fu

I've been working on my Frightful Fun BOM since I'm all caught up with the Laurel Ridge BOM sponsored by The Quilt Show. I finished ...