Friday, June 15, 2012

FMQ Challenge for June/Friday Night Sew-In

I dedicated this Friday Night Sew-In to getting my Free Motion Quilting Challenge done for June. Cindy Needham provided a wonderful tutorial explaining many different aspects of free motion quilting. I printed out her whole tutorial and feel I'll be using this in the future. She talked about thread, lighting, tools, etc. She covered so many topics! It was wonderful!

I am so grateful for the Friday Night Sew-In. I kept putting this off thinking I didn't have enough time to work on it. This evening set aside for sewing was perfect for me! I finally did have enough time and I really wanted to sit down and accomplish something! Thank you, Heidi! It was my first time participating but it won't be my last.

Thank you, Cindy and SewCalGal for the opportunity to improve my free motion skills. I could only meander when I first started back in January. I feel like I'm really learning new skills that I'll be able to put to good use!

Dying to see what everyone else did tonight! I'll be checking that Flickr group!!

Hope everyone has a great weekend!


  1. Love it Rosemary - it looks to me like a Zentangle design that so many people are talking about on their blogs now, it's fab :)

    1. Thanks, Chrissie! I does look like a Zentangle! Lots of fun to make!

  2. Awesome , Rosemary! I have been hem-hawing how I want to do this one, but I will commit today:) Thanks for the heads up for my lucky win On the SewCalGal FMQ challenge. I don't usually have luck like that. I should go buy a lottery ticket. haha

    1. I was so happy to actually be a follower of the winner this month! Try the challenge. I kept putting it off too. I enjoyed it so much more than I thought I would.

  3. Looking very professional there!

  4. Thanks, Auntie Em! Don't look too close!!

  5. well done. I just put up a post of the beginning of my practice.

    1. Thanks, Carrie! I'm taking a look over at your blog!

  6. Hi Rosemary, Your June Challenge piece looks great! Bravo very well done.

  7. Wow! Your FMQ looks great! Looking forward to seeing more, Rosemary!

    1. Thanks so much! I have quite a few tops to quilt so you will be seeing more!

  8. Rosemary,
    I am very impressed. Looks very good.

  9. Visiting from FNSI and see some wonderful quilting. I haven't done much freehand on the machine but will be soon as I plan to get some flimsies quilted quite soon.

    1. Thanks,Katherine. I've been taking part in the Free Motion Quilting Challenge since January. I really have enjoyed it and feel I'm finally making some progress. Join in anytime. You'll love it!!

  10. Hey Rosemary,
    Congratulations on doing well on your FMQ for June. Love all your filler designs. So much fun. I will have to print out the instructions too!

    1. The tutorial has some great info. I printed it out so I can use it whenever I need it. Some great stuff in there!

  11. Great work Rosemary. This month was such fun, I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. Well done! xx


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