Friday, October 11, 2013

More FMQ!!

These are the 3 blocks I've been working on. Each corner is the same so I've done each block 4 times! I used the same book from my last post to come up with ideas for quilting. They're all very similar but one is using swirls whereas one is more leaf like. I just love quilting them! Practice definitely makes it easier.

This block uses swirls in the middle and hearts outside of the pieced star.

This block uses more loop designs but leaves in the pink and green portions of the star. So fun to quilt!


This is the center of the quilt. I made feathers flowing from the center into each corner. I know it's hard to see with all those colors.  Here's the back.
It may be easier to see from the back on just one fabric.
I have 2 borders left. I still haven't decided how to quilt them! I'm looking through books and on websites for ideas. Hoping to post pictures of a finished quilt very soon! I'll be linking up with Leah Day for Free Motion Friday which you can see here.
Hope you all have a wonderful long weekend. Unfortunately, I'll be working most of it. On a brighter note, it's my daughter's birthday today. Hoping to have a little party for her Sunday. Happy Birthday, Becca!!


  1. Very pretty- I like how you are using the quilting to fill in the space around the colorful stars.

  2. Such colorful stars. How interesting to see so many variations. And the different quilting designs are lovely too.

    1. Thank you! Thanks for visiting my blog and the very nice words!

  3. Nice job - the quilting adds so much yummy texture!

  4. Nice to hear "so fun to quilt" and "I just love quilting them"! Gives me hope that I can learn to like it too someday!
    You've done a wonderful job.

    1. Thanks! You're always welcome to come over and try some quilting! We could do it together!!

  5. Looking quite wonderful Rosemary! Lot's of pretty colors in your blocks.

    1. Thanks, Joanie! Beth Ferrier designed this quilt and I bought her fabric suggestions. She always comes up with great color combinations!

  6. What pretty quilting! I love feathers and you really made them work with those blocks.

    1. Thank you! I'm still learning a lot when it comes to feathers. I find them difficult but I love them!

  7. What a lovely piece this is! You are a mega-quilter--it looks great. Love those colors...have fun at the party! hugs, Julierose

  8. very pretty. I need to learn to do this on my regular machine. so many quilt tops, so much to learn........

    1. I still have 2 quilt tops before I'm caught up! Love making tops and just getting to like quilting them!

  9. It looks lovely all those sweet colors! Have a lovely weekend.

  10. Way to go! I love doing leaves, too. They just flow right out, don't they?

    1. Leaves are definitely fun to quilt! Thank you so much for visiting my blog!


I Like Thursday #268

It's time for Thursday likes! Please visit LeeAnna over at  Not Afraid of Color  to link up with more blogs posting fun likes. My two ca...