Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Projects Updated

I've been keeping myself so busy working on my projects. As you can see above, I finished the second block of the Tone it Down Quilt Along. There are lots of pieces, little pieces, but there is a certain satisfaction when the block is complete. I love looking through my stash and finding fabric I forgot I had. There are some smaller pieces that I wasn't sure I would ever use. They sure are coming in handy now!

I finally finished my 30 blocks! I always have a tough time finding the perfect arrangement. I always notice the same fabric right next to each other, after I've sewn the whole thing together!! I'm going to look at this for a few days and see if I can catch my mistake ahead of time.

I'm still working on my machine quilting project but nothing new to photograph. I've marked a new section and may try a different design. Will post when I'm done.

It's snowing again. It's only 12 degrees. I'm so tired of winter. I'm dreaming of spring and summer. I think it's another 60 days until spring! Can't wait!


  1. I LOVE your projects!!! So pretty!!!

    We actually got excited this afternoon as we got to see it snowing really hard for about two minutes. Just the cold air blowing in and wringing out any moisture left in the atmosphere. Let me just say that you guys who live in the cold, cold north are tough! We get a few really cold days throughout winter and grumble. ;-)

    1. Thanks, Sharon! So nice to hear from you. I'm so sick of this weather. I need some sun and warmth!!

  2. These are so good Rosemary. I love the two blocks...

    1. Thanks, Sally! I've been having so much fun working on these projects. So enjoyable!

  3. Best thing about the snow, is that it's a good reason to stay in and sew, right?
    Your woven blocks look amazing when you put them side by side.

    1. I love the effect of those blocks too! I've been staying in and sewing. Too bad I'm working the next few days. I'll miss it! Going to hate leaving the house in these frigid temps.

  4. keep warm and safe x well done for using stash and not buying new xx

    1. Thanks, Diane. Snow never really materialized but it's so cold! I'm staying indoors as much as possible!

  5. Gosh both projects you have posted today are amazing - what are the measurements of the first two blocks in your post?

    1. What a nice comment! The Tone it Down blocks finish at 15,5 inches. Nice, big blocks!!

  6. I noticed on the weather channel that you'all in the Boston area are getting some serious snow! Stay warm and safe! Your woven blocks are so wonderful! Love the colors. A design board and a camera to capture what a quilt is going to look like are really helpful. It helped me to shift blocks around when making the 16 Patch Quilt Block quilt. The Tone It Down Blocks are very pretty too! What is the meaning of tone it down?

  7. Just heard the temps should be staying this cold for the next 14 days! It was a balmy 7 degrees this morning around 7am. So glad you like my projects. They've been so fun to work on. It think it's called Tone it Down since the backgrounds are made of different fabrics of the same colors so the contrast is very low. It all sort of melts into one background color. So nice to be able to use up my scraps, I have way too many!


I Like Thursday #264

It's time for I Like Thursday where a bunch of us bloggers post lots of likes. Please visit  LeeAnna  to link up to more blogs. I finish...