Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Scroll Flower Week #4

I couldn't wait! I started machine quilting the scroll flower on the quilt I spray basted last week. I'm using a variegated 40 weight Superior thread. I am using Bottom Line in the bobbin. I'm very happy with the results!

I was afraid that the spacing would be an issue but it's fine if I keep the stems on the short side.
It's also nice using a variegated thread on different fabrics. The contrast is low and hard to see any problem areas. I think this pattern quilts very quickly also. It's a pleasure to sit down and work up the pattern at a nice pace.

Here's a close up. I'm not sure what I'll be quilting in the borders. I'd like to try something a little different. I'll be linking up to Amy's Free Motion Quilting Adventures. This is our last linky for this month as well as for the scroll flower. It's been a fun month. Amy is starting something new next month. I can't wait to see what she has in store for us! 

P. S. So far the spray basting is working out great! No puckers and no pins to take out. However, I will blog about it once I'm done the entire quilt and really get the quilting going. It's still too early to say much.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Scroll Flower Week #3

I think I'm finally figuring out how to solve my spacing problem with these scroll flowers. I made the stem shorter which eliminated that awkward space that I would end up with. I like a little space around each of the flowers but this is smaller and nicer to look at! The spacing is much more even with a shorter stem. I'm hoping to use this pattern on the quilt I just spray basted. I need a few more days of practice and then I'm going for it!

This is a close up of the flower. The spacing is more even and fits the size of the flower much better. I will once again be linking up over at Amy's Free Motion Quilting Adventures.  Hope you go over and take a look at the other scroll flowers!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

No More Pins!!

I think I'm very late to spray basting but I joined in today! I was always a hand quilter so I used to baste my 3 layers together. When I began to machine quilt, I always used pins to hold my quilt sandwich together. I had heard about spray basting but always associated negative things with the spray. I heard it had an awful odor and should be used in a well ventilated area. I also heard it was hard to control and lots of spray would end up all over the room.

Lately, I read that the spray was now odorless and much easier to use. I had a quilt all ready to baste/sandwich and I also had some spray!

I happened to receive this spray as a Christmas gift from a friend. (Thanks, Maryrose!) I thought this would be the perfect time to try it out.

Here's my batting that was just sprayed down onto the backing. I still laid down my backing, right side down, and taped it nice and taut to the floor. I then put the batting over it. The can said to spray the batting, not the fabric.  I folded the batting in half, sprayed the batting and then smoothed it over the backing. I repeated this for the other half. It seemed to adhere very nicely.

I repeated the same procedure for the top but I had the top right side up! I ended up with a very nice quilt sandwich minus the pins! I'm hoping it quilts nicely and nothing puckers. I don't usually have problems with puckers but you never know!

Just in case you're curious, here's the backing.

I bought this on sale from eQuilter. It was such a great price! Something about this fabric reminded of the charm packs I used for the quilt top. It will be a pleasure to be able to quilt and not have to remove pins as I sew along. I can't wait to start quilting!

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy Easter!

Wishing everyone a Happy Easter! Enjoy the holiday! Time to quilt tomorrow!!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Scroll Flower #2

Amy's Free Motion Quilting Adventures featured a new pattern this week.  It's similar to last week's Scroll Flower #1 but it is larger with more echoing surrounding the center scroll.

I really liked this one! I felt I could get a larger area covered. I still feel my stems are a little too long but they looked better since the flower was larger.  I have a quilt in mind that I think this would make a great edge to edge design. I actually varied the sizes of the flowers to see how a smaller flower would fit in. I really liked the results!

It makes a really interesting texture. Thanks, Amy! I'll be linking over at Amy's blog. It's so fun to try new patterns but it's much more fun when other quilters share their results! Head on over to Amy's blog and check it out!!

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Scroll Flower

I was hoping I would have practiced this free motion pattern more this week. In my own defense, I must admit that I had a very busy week! I took classes at MQX in Manchester, NH for 2 days. Last night, I attended the Friday Night Dinner also at MQX. Mark Lipinski was the speaker. I went on the Mystery Ride through my quilt guild today. That was an all day activity!  I had no time to practice! I did manage to try out this design a couple of times.

Amy's Free Motion Quilting Adventures sponsored this Scroll Flower design this past Monday. It looks so nice and easy when Amy quilts it on her video. I think this design is so much harder than it looks!
I think I need to make my stem a little shorter and learn to space the flowers a little better. I love the actual flower. I just have to think of a better way of getting there!! The black sample is my first attempt. I actually improve in the red sample but it's a little harder to see.
I think this would make a great all over pattern. I'd like to keep practicing. I have a quilt in mind where this design would look really nice.  Must practice!!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

QOV Blocks for MQX

Here are the Quilt of Valor Blocks I made for MQX. The MQX Quilt Festival takes place in Manchester, NH April 9-12.  I took 2 classes today. I'm signed up for one more class tomorrow as well as the Friday Evening Dinner. The QOV Blocks are to be collected at the dinner.

There were 3 different blocks to choose from. Each block came with directions. Colorway choices were either patriotic or modern grays. I chose the Buzz Saw pattern. It was paper pieced which I like to use when striving for accuracy. Here's the paper pattern.

I made 8 units to make 2 blocks.

They were very easy to sew 4 units together to make each block.

The whole process only took about 2 hours. I wish I had started this earlier so I could have made more blocks. I did find an address to send more blocks if I decide to make more. It's such a worthy cause. I got a really good feeling after making them. I have to make more! Thank you, MQX!

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Tone It Down Blocks 7 & 8

I have just completed Block 7 and Block 8 of the Tone It Down Quilt Along sponsored by American Patchwork and Quilting. The blocks measure 15.5 inches square. There are a total of 20 blocks to make. I think the quilt along is over but I'm still plugging along!

I decided to make 2 blocks at once. I was afraid I would screw up the order of all these little pieces but it worked out fine. It really didn't take much longer to make 2 blocks than it did to just make one block. It does take quite a bit longer to cut out all the pieces! I suppose I should I have expected that!

Here are the blocks all together! I really like how they all look together. It's nice to make something this nice just from my stash.

Frightful Fun BOM Update

I'm not sure why but the April blocks for Frightful Fun are already up! I made these blocks in an afternoon. These are quick and easy! (...