Wednesday, May 21, 2014

12 Blocks Done!!

 Here are the 12 blocks that I've finished for the Tone It Down Quilt Along. This started back in January so I guess I'm a little behind! I'm working on it at my own pace. I tend to work on a few projects at once so it will take a little while longer. I don't mind that it's taking awhile. I am cutting out each block's pieces individually. Each block is made up of 97 pieces. (I'm glad I didn't count them until after I'd started!)  Even the cutting takes a while! Here's one block cut out.

You can see why each block takes awhile. I usually work on two blocks at a time. I think it saves time but I have to be careful to not mix up pieces. I have mixed them up a few times. I figured it out pretty quickly so it was easy to fix.

These are the 2 newest blocks I just completed. As work intensive as these blocks are, I still love making them. They always seem to finish up very nicely. Besides, I only have 8 more blocks to go! I can't quit now.  I've already started picking out the fabrics for the next 2 blocks!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, Linda! They're a pain to make but I'm going to get them done!

  2. This is really shaping up nicely! And you are using all fabrics from your stash, right? It's practically free!

  3. Such work intensive blocks, you star. They look fab set out together though, it's going to be a great quilt :D

    1. Thank you so much! It will be a nice quilt once I finish all these blocks! I'll be so relieved when they're done!

  4. Those blocks are really impressive. I like simple projects myself, so I love to see what others do.

    1. I really love the idea that I'm using fabric from my stash. So nice to be able to use what I have. I can't wait to finish this one!!


I Like Thursday #264

It's time for I Like Thursday where a bunch of us bloggers post lots of likes. Please visit  LeeAnna  to link up to more blogs. I finish...