Monday, June 30, 2014

Vermont Quilt Festival

This past Saturday morning, I got up quite early to make the bus that would be taking me to the Vermont Quilt Festival. The Festival takes place in Essex Junction, Vermont which is about 3 hours from my house. A friend and I drove to Nashua, NH where the first stop was scheduled for 7am. We met another friend in Nashua. There were about 50 women on the bus after we our second bus stop in Concord, NH. The trip was organized by The Patchwork Pearl. She's on facebook and has more pictures of our trip.

We made a quick stop at a rest area in Sharon, Vermont. Maryrose and Linda let me take their picture as we were heading back to the bus. We got coffee which I really needed badly!

By 11am, we were at the Expo and walking around the vendors and beautiful hanging quilts.  This corridor above was a link between the 2 large halls where the quilts and vendors were located. Each room had quilts in the middle that were surrounded by the vendors. There was so much to see! I bought lots of stuff but that's another blog post!!

Due to the size of the rooms, it never got too crowded. There was plenty of space to walk around. I was pleasantly surprised. I know this show is popular and expected to be pushed around by the crowd but it never happened.

It was a nice crowd but not overwhelming.  I think these pictures let you see what I mean.

This quilt, My Version of a Persian, won Best of Show. It was made entirely of silk and hand quilted by Christine Wickert of Penfield, NY. It was unbelievable! My picture doesn't do it justice. Just beautiful!

Forever Young is by Charlotte Angotti of South Carolina. It was a sample of a class she had taken. I loved the colors and the setting. It seemed to grab my attention.

This is Le Jardin de Mon Couer by Lucienne Auphan from St. Placide, QC, Canada.  She created the design and handmade all the applique. The fabrics for the flowers were not completely solid. They could have been hand dyed but I have no way of knowing. It made the flowers have so much texture.
So well done!

There were so many more quilts but I only took pictures of a few.  I was so afraid my phone was going to die. When I got home, my battery was down to 5%!

We boarded the bus around 4pm and headed to the Waybury Inn located in Middlebury, Vermont. This is the inn that inspired The Bob Newhart Show. The inn appears on the series but it's white on the tv show.

I couldn't get a good picture of the entrance or the front of the inn. You can kind of see the color here. It's a beige or light brown. I guess Hollywood thought white was better!

We ate dinner there. The dessert was amazing! It was gingerbread with caramel sauce and whipped cream! So good!!

We boarded the bus after dinner and made our way home. I got home around 11pm. I was exhausted! I had a fun day and but I'm already looking forward to next year!


  1. Thank you for sharing your trip. I can barely wait to see what you purchased!

    1. It was a lot of fun. I tried to keep myself on a budget. Too many vendors to choose from!

  2. Love reading about your trip! Gorgeous quilts, the pinwheel one caught my attention! :) Can't wait to see what you bought!

    1. I had a great time although it was a very long day! I didn't buy too much. There were so many vendors! I could have bought so much more. Hope my husband appreciates that!!

  3. I'm glad you gals had a great day! Thanks for doing a little shopping for me. :-)

    1. I'll shop for you anytime!! Haha! I had a fun day but wish you could have come too.

  4. It sounds like a wonderful trip. I love quilt shows.

    1. I love them too! It's fun to see quilts, shop and hang out with quilt friends!

  5. What a lovely trip! and that quilt that won best of show! amazing!!!

    1. My picture doesn't show it beautiful it really was. It was such a wonderful trip. I really enjoyed it!


I Like Thursday #264

It's time for I Like Thursday where a bunch of us bloggers post lots of likes. Please visit  LeeAnna  to link up to more blogs. I finish...