Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving!

My baking is done! I worked today and made it home safely through the snow. I'm finally relaxing and looking forward to the holiday.

Hope you all have a Happy Thanksgiving! Count your blessings and enjoy the holiday!


Sunday, November 23, 2014


I finished a project! It's a shawl but I'll be using it as a scarf. It wasn't too difficult and I really love the effect of the subtle yarn colors. I made the ruffle a little wider than the directions called for. I figured I had the yarn and a wider ruffle would only enhance the shawl. I'm happy I did it! I wish the built in sequins showed up a little better in this picture.

Here's my progress on my wall hanging so far. The sewing machine is next to be appliqued. I'm having a fun time with this.  I think I've missed the quiet and relaxing art of applique. So nice to be back!

Trying to figure out what to make for Thanksgiving. I usually make 2 desserts. We're eating at my parent's house.  Anyone have any ideas??

Monday, November 17, 2014

Machine Quilting Sort of Day

Today has been dark, dismal and wet! I had planned on staying home today because I planned on registering for classes at MQX East taking place this coming April. I registered for the classes I really wanted. I'll be taking classes with Leah Day, Judi Madsden and Karen Marchetti. I'm so excited! I can't wait! There are so many wonderful classes being offered. Registration continues for quite some time if you interested. Go check it out!

After that was over, I decided to continue machine quilting the Dresden Plate quilt. I finished the narrow inner border. I just quilted a simple loop design. This picture shows the different quilting motifs I've used so far in this quilt. All I have left is the wide outer border. I have a feeling this border will take much longer!

Time to cook dinner. I really wish I could take a nap instead! Hope you're having a good Monday!

Friday, November 14, 2014

Dresden Plate Continued!

I finished machine quilting the main portion of my Dresden Plate quilt. I have one skinny border and one wide border left! I tried to get the quilt to lay nice and flat but I had a very fresh kitten who thought it was her job to jump all over it! I took the pictures without an overhead light. I think the quilting showed up better.

These are just a couple of different views. My older cat decided to join in the fun. Anyways, you can get an idea of the wonderful texture I got from quilting the background of each block.

I outlined each blade in the Dresden Plate as well as each center circle. I'm hoping to go back and quilt something in each circle after the borders are done. I plan on using a different color thread so I'll wait until I'm done the borders.

Here's a nice close up of one block. I have to agree that quilting makes the quilt! The quilting really woke up this quilt. I love running my hand over the surface of the quilt and feeling the quilted ridges.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

New/Old Patterns


I didn't buy too much from the vendors at A Quilter's Gathering. I absolutely love the things I did buy! I bought this new pattern from Sassafras Lane called Arcadia Avenue. It's a paper pieced pattern. I think each block is absolutely beautiful! I could make the entire quilt or just pick a few blocks for a small wall hanging. I just couldn't leave without it! It could be a Block of the Month but the booklet includes everything needed to make the quilt shown on the cover.

This next pattern was found by my friend. She knew I had to buy it. I have 2 cats named Lily and Molly. Well, this pattern is from QuiltLily Designs! It would "fit" into my house very nicely! I can imagine that the 2 kitties featured on the runner are my 2 cats! I'm sure they would like it also!

The only other items I bought was thread from Superior Threads. I bought variegated blues for my mom's quilt that I will be quilting soon. I love the variety of colors as well as the many variegated threads available.

I also started working on a kit I bought at MQX awhile ago. It's entitled Sewing Cat by Edyta Star of Laundry Basket Quilts. I just finished the cat's head as you can see! I used my preferred  method of freezer paper although the pattern is written for raw edge applique. I haven't done applique in awhile. I'm so glad I picked it up again. I really enjoy it!

Saturday, November 8, 2014

A Quilter's Gathering 2014

A friend and I made our way to Manchester, NH yesterday to view the quilts (and visit the vendors)
at A Quilter's Gathering. I'm posting just a few of my favorite quilts. There were many more but I'm just showing six.

This is Nantuckety Day by Wendy Coffin of Rye, NH. This was quilted by Margaret Solomon Gunn. I absolutely loved the quilting! It added so much texture and dimension. It's beautiful! 94 X 94

This is Circle of Life by Lisa McCarthy of East Kingston, NH. The colors are stunning and the pattern just seems to sizzle. It's so vibrant! This quilt was quilted by Carrie Zizza. 67 X 67

This is Skyfall by Kathie & Mara Beltz & Novak of Greenfield, NH. I loved the way the stars seemed to spill across the quilt. My friend pointed out that some of the stars were machine embroidered. Such a nice effect! It was machine quilted by Mara Novak. 58 X 66

This is Vintage Button Bouquet by Linda M. Roy of Knoxville, TN. The quilting on this quilt was amazing especially after finding out it was all done by hand! The quilting was unbelievable! So much texture! Stunning! 83 X 83

This is A Midsummer Night's Dream by Sally A. Johnson of West Yarmouth, MA. She's a good friend and I was so happy to find her quilt at the show. This quilt had bling all over it. You could see it shining as you approached. It was quilted by Lynne McFern. 96 X 96

This is Enchanted by Jane Holihan of Walworth, NY. Amazing quilting and applique that was all done by hand! What beautiful work!  16 X 16

That's a sampling of the wonderful quilts displayed at this year's show. If you ever have the chance to visit this show, make sure you go! You'll be happy you went! I bought a few things at the vendors by that will have to be another post!

Frightful Fun BOM Update

I'm not sure why but the April blocks for Frightful Fun are already up! I made these blocks in an afternoon. These are quick and easy! (...