Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Basket Night at the Guild

The Tewksbury Piecemakers quilt guild will hold their annual quilt show this weekend. We've been preparing by getting our quilts ready. However, last night, we finished up getting our raffle baskets ready. Before summer, we were all assigned a basket and theme. This gave us some time to buy items that we could fill our basket with. These raffle baskets are a fun part of the quilt show. They're also a great fundraiser for the guild.

 Our theme was Tea Time. There has to be a hand made item in the basket. Someone made a beautiful table runner. There were also embroidered linen napkins. We also brought in candles, tea cups, tea pots, tea (!), potpourri and cookies among other items. This basket was hard to fill since it was close to overflowing!

Linda, one of the members, seemed to know exactly what to do to fill the basket and make it look professional. We wrapped it up in cellophane and tied a nice bow onto the top of it.

 It looked really nice as we finished it up.

The basket was put with all the other baskets just waiting for the show this weekend! I'll have more pictures then!


  1. So looking forward to seeing more!!! Your contribution is awesome!!!!!!

  2. Thanks so much, Doreen! Hope to get some pictures from the quilt show and will post!


I Like Thursday #264

It's time for I Like Thursday where a bunch of us bloggers post lots of likes. Please visit  LeeAnna  to link up to more blogs. I finish...