Sunday, January 3, 2016

Machine Quilting Progress

 I have diligently been working on machine quilting the Tone It Down quilt. It's made up of 20 blocks surrounded by sashing. There are no outer borders. Each block takes me about 1 1/2 to 2 hours to quilt. I do a little at a time. I find if I machine quilt for too long, I become sloppy,

It's difficult to take a good picture that really shows the quilting. I find using no flash works out the best. However, it still isn't that good.

I think you get a good idea of what I'm doing to the block. I've completed 7 blocks and have started block 8. I really like it so far. I'm using a Sue Pelland ruler to make the stems of the feathers. It works great! I don't think the ruler was intended for this use, but it works for me!

I encountered a problem now that I'm working along the unfinished edge of the quilt. I have to account for the binding that will be sewn on after the quilting is complete. I've decided not to finish the 9-patch squares since I'm not sure exactly where the binding will be. I usually take a 3/8" seam as opposed to 1/4". I'm making little curves on either side of the diagonals that looks like a leaf or petal when complete. It's impossible to figure out where the binding is going to land on this particular spot. I've decided to add them later after the binding has been added.  I think they'll be placed much better this way and I won't be cutting off any points I would have quilted. You can see I made a space on the side of the feathers where the binding will be. I think the points are harder to determine. I'll do the 9-patches later.

We've put away all the Christmas decorations. I brought my Rock Candy Quilt back out again. I found Molly laying on it. So glad she made herself comfy while I wasn't looking. I'm hunting for my lint remover. Thanks so much, Molly!


  1. Your quilting is just beautiful - I have admired this quilt of yours before but now you have it quilted ….stunning!

    1. Thanks so much! I'm really enjoying quilting it and so happy with how it's coming out!

  2. I like your quilting on this one...I have the same problem when quilting too long, things just get a bit sloppy and I also start to suffer from eye strain. I think this year I might invest in a magnifying glass (seen in at one of the quilt shows).

    1. Thanks, Karin! I try to stop after 45 minutes. My favorite is quilting small sessions throughout the day. I'm usually too busy to get to do that!

  3. Oh your quilting is lovely--sounds very complicated with the binding issue. I can see after all that intricate quilting where you would want to be able to have it all show and not be covered by the binding....hope it works out hugs, Julierose

    1. Thanks, Julierose! I think the best thing is to add the quilting after the binding is on. Might take longer but I know the quilting would look right.

  4. You are doing a fantastic job. I especially like the third photo from the top where you can see some of the unquilted areas compared to the quilting. What a difference your quilting makes!

    1. Thank you, Em! I like how it's coming along. I'm enjoying it and loving the results so far!

  5. Wow!! your machine quilting is gorgeous as is your quilt. I love it. Bravo.. well done!

  6. Love your quilt. Nice job on all of it.


I Like Thursday #264

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