I've seen so many pictures of everyone's gorgeous flowers. I thought I would post a picture of my own flower! I bought my husband a tree for our deck about a month ago. It's a hibiscus and makes our deck look so festive! He's so good about watering it every day. If it was up to me, I'd forget and the poor plant would be dead. I'm hoping it's blooming for our July 4th cookout. We used to have the biggest crowd here for the 4th. Over the years, it's become smaller. Many of our relatives have grown older and some have passed away. We still try to keep the tradition going! So glad I'm off for the holiday.

Guess what this is?? It's the last squares I had to cut for my scrap project! I had 104 squares left to cut for the last 2 borders. My scrap bag does look a little smaller but not by much! I'm happy to use my stash but it takes so much longer to look through everything and find fabric that goes with a particular project. That being said, I'm already looking for my next scrap project!