Thursday, June 30, 2016

Flowers and Squares

I've seen so many pictures of  everyone's gorgeous flowers. I thought I would post a picture of my own flower! I bought my husband a tree for our deck about a month ago. It's a hibiscus and makes our deck look so festive! He's so good about watering it every day. If it was up to me, I'd forget and the poor plant would be dead. I'm hoping it's blooming for our July 4th cookout. We used to have the biggest crowd here for the 4th. Over the years, it's become smaller. Many of our relatives have grown older and some have passed away. We still try to keep the tradition going! So glad I'm off for the holiday.

Guess what this is?? It's the last squares I had to cut for my scrap project! I had 104 squares left to cut for the last 2 borders. My scrap bag does look a little smaller but not by much! I'm happy to use my stash but it takes so much longer to look through everything and find fabric that goes with a particular project. That being said, I'm already looking for my next scrap project!

Monday, June 27, 2016

More on Scrap Project

The main body of my scrap project is done! I still have 2 borders left but only one border includes scrap squares. I feel as though I've been cutting squares forever! I have about 100 left to cut. That doesn't sound too bad after getting this far for this project! 

I started in the middle and have been working my way out towards the outer borders. This last border had the most squares. I had to cut 200 squares just for the last 2 sides. It's a great way of working through my stash to see what I actually have. I have forgotten I even owned most of these fabrics. So nice to be able to use them. 

The next border also introduces a new background fabric. In the sample, it's a very pale aqua. This picture isn't too accurate. I chose a grayish blue solid. I went to the quilt shop and auditioned quite a few fabrics but this one looked the best to me. Hope it looks good when added to the mix of fabrics so far. I'll let you know!

Friday, June 24, 2016

Quick Updates

Aren't these Kaffe Fassett fabrics gorgeous?? I was lucky enough to receive a gift certificate to Fat Quarter Shop from a close friend. I took my time spending it. I wanted to pick the perfect gift! I finally ended up choosing Spring 2016 Kaffe Fassett Collective Fat Quarter Bundle. I'm so happy with this. I made the right choice.

I used some new, as well as old, Kaffe Fassett fabrics for these Double Pinwheel Blocks. They're part of the Green Tea and Sweet Beans quilt. Aren't they fun?? These blocks were very quick! Very unusual for this quilt!

Here's my Pincha shawl/scarf so far. I'm going to continue until I finish up the yarn.

I've been machine quilting Farmgirl Vintage. I'm finally halfway through the blocks! That leaves only 24 more blocks to quilt! Why does quilting take so long????

Monday, June 20, 2016

Garden Path Block

I was not looking forward to making the Garden Path Block for Green Tea and Sweet Beans. It involves those pesky y-seams. However, I sort of made up my own method and it seemed to work for me. 

Here are all my fabric pieces cut out and put in correct order. 

I sewed the large pieces onto the middle octagon piece. So far, I'm following directions!

I sewed the background pieces on the smaller rectangles. Still following directions!

As you can see, that piece I just sewed together is to be sewn between the larger rectangles already sewn onto the center piece. You're supposed to start at one end, sew across the middle and then finish up at the other end.  Not for me!!

I decided to sew the middle seam first.  This way, I would be sure the smaller rectangle was centered correctly onto the octagon.

Then, I sewed from one end towards the middle seam I had just sewn.


I repeated it for the other side also.

When the block is complete, it ends up being quite bumpy and not flat at all. All it takes is a little ironing with Best Press. I added the background corners and my blocks were complete! See, y-seams are nothing to be afraid of! (I'll have to keep reminding myself !!) Hope this helps anyone else who tries to keep away from any y-seams.

Friday, June 17, 2016

More Farmgirl FMQ

I had to have my machine serviced last week but I'm finally back to quilting Farmgirl Vintage. 
I stitched in the ditch in the Apron Strings Block. I also made a few little channels that I pebbled in.

I outlined the Summer Star Block. I quilted swirls in the middle area and repeated this design in the green squares. 

I outlined the pinwheel and stippled around it. I quilted 3 little loops in each corner triangle. 

That's it, so far, I'm hoping to get more done since I'm off the next few days. I'm already trying to figure out how to quilt the next block. That's the part that takes the longest!

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Weekend Catchup!

This is the progress I've made so far on my scrap quilt. I'm working on the two remaining sides. The two sides need a total of 180 2.5" squares. I wanted to get them all cut out before doing any sewing.

This pile is made up of the 180 squares I need to finish the 2 sides. It took me all week to cut them. The hardest part was looking through my stash and finding the many fabrics. I used to belong to a club where I would receive twenty 4 inch squares every month. Those squares came in very handy!

As a diversion, I made this little fabric basket. If you're interested in making one, you can find the directions here. I think it would make a great gift. You can fill it with so many different items. I was thinking of adding ribbons to each corner. So fun!

My husband and I haven't been out to eat lately due to his addiction to golf. But we went out last night and I had this great drink! It was called a Pina Colada-tini! So good! Nice way to enjoy the weekend!

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

More Farmgirl Vintage Blocks FMQ

I've been machine quilting a few more blocks. This is Kitchen Window Block. As you can see, I made echoed loops in the 4 patch and pebbles in the surrounding frame. The outer border has loops going back and forth all the way around. I'm not used to pebbles. They aren't perfect but I think it looks okay. Pebbles are all different in nature too!

Out to Pasture Block has echoed loops in the middle and loops going up and down in the border.

Grandma's Quilt Block has a little loopy flower in the middle. Lots of loops in the surrounding squares and rectangles. I made little curves in each side of the triangles. 

Scrappy Maple Leaf Block has curves around each triangle edge with stippling inside the triangle.

Each block is outlined. While outlining each block, I try and figure out how I'm going to quilt the block. These blocks are only 6 inches square. I think it takes me longer to decide how to quilt the block than actually quilting. Little by little, I'll get this quilt done! (May still take awhile!!)

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Green Tea and Sweet Beans Update

I've been working steadily on Jen Kingwell's Green Tea and Sweet Beans quilt. It's such a great quilt to make. I feel it's a real skill builder. There are so many different techniques involved with all of the various quilt blocks. This is the Wedding Chain Block that measures 6 1/2" square.

I finished the Double Drunkards Path blocks. I made these blocks using a combination of machine as well as hand piecing. They certainly took me awhile! They measure 8 1/2" square.

These are the Lozenges blocks. I loved using all the different fabrics on these two. The more fabric, the better! (At least, for this quilt!) These blocks are 6 1/2" square. 

The next block looks difficult. I may have to figure out my own way of sewing it together. I'll post it eventually!!

Frightful Fun BOM Update

I'm not sure why but the April blocks for Frightful Fun are already up! I made these blocks in an afternoon. These are quick and easy! (...