Monday, July 4, 2016

Happy 4th!!

Happy 4th of July! The weather is beautiful here in Massachusetts. It's a lovely day to spend outdoors with friends and family. We'll be having a cookout later in the day. Right now, I'm relaxing with my second cup of coffee and enjoying the fresh air out on my deck.

No sewing today. I have too much to do. Plenty of time later on in the week to catch up on my projects.

Enjoy the holiday! Happy Birthday, USA! We're so lucky to live here. Enjoy!!

Couldn't resist this little kitty! Happy 4th!!


  1. Love the July 4th Kitty--we are out on the deck too--nice breezy day here....hugs and enjoy Julierose

    1. It got too hot! We were on the deck and moved indoors. Hot but dry! Happy 4th!!

  2. hope you had a happy 4th! I rested up after the reunion. we had a ball. great to see cousins I have not seen in 20 yrs. I too live in MA. small world isnt it?

    1. We had a very nice 4th of July! Great food! Made for great leftovers tonight. Whereabouts in MA? I'm near the NH border about 30 miles north of Boston. You reunion sounds like great fun!


I Like Thursday #268

It's time for Thursday likes! Please visit LeeAnna over at  Not Afraid of Color  to link up with more blogs posting fun likes. My two ca...