Saturday, February 25, 2017

Arcadia Avenue Block 7

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I finished machine quilting the seventh block of Arcadia Avenue. As you can see, I made a loop flower in the middle. 

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I made loops in the white fabric area. I was going to leave it this way but decided it just wasn't enough.

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Here's a close up of the white fabric after quilting. I felt the black fabric should also be quilted to even off the block. So, I changed thread and ended up with this!

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I think the block looks balanced now that the black and white areas are both quilted. 

Hoping to start block 8 next. Only 4 blocks left!!


  1. What about adding continuous curves in the triangles? I think that would even out the quilting. Just my opinion.

    1. Thanks, Karen. I outlined every seam so the block started to feel stiff. I stopped after the loops. I didn't want to make it worse!

  2. Oh your quilting on this lovely piece is so beautiful hugs, Julierose


I Like Thursday #264

It's time for I Like Thursday where a bunch of us bloggers post lots of likes. Please visit  LeeAnna  to link up to more blogs. I finish...