Friday, March 31, 2017

Square Daisy Block in Progress

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This is the major portion of the Square Daisy block for Green Tea and Sweet Beans quilt. I decided to do this block my way. I was supposed to square it off with more individual pieces. I'm going to applique it and then cut it to size. I did the same thing to a previous block in this quilt.

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This is the background fabric that I'm going to use for the applique. It's sweet little bunnies!

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I'm hoping it looks something like this once the applique is done. I'll also be adding triangles to this square so this daisy will actually be on point.  It should measure 12.5 inches when finished. 

This is the last applique block for this quilt. I have to make 9 small pinwheel blocks. After that, I'll be able to sew the top together without the borders. I'm looking forward to seeing how it's going to look.
Such a fun quilt to work on! 

Monday, March 27, 2017

My Busy Longarm!

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Here's the vintage quilt with the binding all attached! I can't believe this quilt is finished. It felt like a privilege to me that I could quilt and learn so much all at the same time. My friend, Jayne, has seen her quilt and she loves it too! 

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I sewed the binding on but Jayne will finish sewing it down by hand. I'll miss this quilt! That's for sure!

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I'm can't stay too sad. I've already got the next quilt all loaded and ready to go! This is a quilt made for Quilts For Kids by my friend whose blog you can find here. This quilt is so cheerful and fun! I'm still deciding how to quilt it. You know I'll come up with something!

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Clam Shell Block

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Here is my Clam Shell block for Green Tea and Sweet Beans. I really love the color combination. These are the fabrics I used throughout the quilt. I'm very close to sewing the quilt top together and I hope the quilt has the same look as this block.

I have one more pieced block left. I can't wait to sew this quilt together! Of course, the applique border will take awhile but it will be an achievement to just have the blocks sewn together.

Long Time Gone by Jen Kingwell

I've enjoyed this quilt so much that I've already bought her latest pattern. This quilt has no applique blocks. All blocks are pieced. Maybe it will be faster to make?? I'll find out!!

Monday, March 20, 2017

More Scrap Vortex

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I've steadily been working on Scrap Vortex. It takes quite awhile to look through my scraps and figure out what I can actually use. I have those portable plastic drawers that have most of my fabric. I try to keep them assorted by color. I said "try", because there are times when I'm working on something I just mess up my whole system! I also have a scrap bag with smaller pieces. 

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If a small scrap doesn't get used, I put it into the scrap bag. My scrap bag doesn't look much smaller but my drawers look very neat and tidy!

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Here's my pile of pieced scraps I've made so far for Scrap Vortex. I'm going to have one more session of sewing scraps together and then I will be onto Step 2! Step 1 has taken me so long but I think it's a great way of combing through my fabric collection. 

One last observation, I could probably make a few more of these quilts! These scraps never seem to ever go away! Maybe there will be more Scrap Vortex quilts in my future!!

Thursday, March 16, 2017

FMQ Vintage Quilt

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I'm done machine quilting my friend's vintage quilt top. I really love how it came out. We had discussed what I was going to do but it's so nice to actually see it all done!

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I basically free motion doodled the interior of the quilt. I quilted around the applique. I outlined each border. Each border has it's own quilt pattern. I changed thread for the red border. The cream colored thread was just too much of a contrast. I also had to make sure my back and forth loops kept a good distance away from the edge knowing the binding will be taking up some of that space. 

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I did lots of clam shells but tried to break it up with feathers, flowers, leaves and spirals. It was fun to just doodle and quilt away! The interior of this quilt was my favorite area to quilt. I had plenty of space and could just have fun with it. 

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It lays much flatter now although it's not perfect. But it is a vintage quilt top and seems to have it's own personality. It looks so nice! I'm so happy I could quilt this beautiful top and I hope my friend loves it too!

Monday, March 13, 2017


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Isn't it almost spring? Isn't it too late for a blizzard? I guess it doesn't matter because this storm is heading my way! I'm not looking forward to 18 inches of snow!  I'm so grateful to be off for the next 2 days. I had good luck, for a change! I'm just hoping we don't lose power. I would love to finish machine quilting the vintage applique quilt. I'll have to see how bad the wind will be blowing. I have plenty of handwork so I'll keep myself occupied. I also bought a few quilt magazines. Trying to make it into a fun day!

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These are the fabrics my friend bought as possible bindings for the antique quilt. Here's a picture of the antique quilt.

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 I feel the red polka dots on the cream background would work better. It wouldn't compete with the red border on the quilt. I'm looking forward to see what she decides!

Stay safe during the storm!  

Thursday, March 9, 2017

A Little Handwork

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Other than machine quilting, I seem to be doing a lot of handwork. It's nice and relaxing to sit on the couch and not feel guilty! This is the clamshell block I'm making for Green Tea and Sweet Beans. This block looks deceptively easy. The clamshells like to wiggle around even though I feel the piece is pinned and taped as much as it can be. It takes a little while to get the hang of it. I just have 3 rows left!

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I started a new shawl. It's called Cinder and designed by Jen Lucas. I'm knitting the easy part, the lace area starts up later on! 

My two projects are coming together nicely. I'm thoroughly enjoying the relaxation and calming effect. 

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Antique Quilt Top

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I'm quilting this quilt for my good friend. She bought an antique quilt top and I have the honor of quilting it for her! I'm sort of free motion quilting and doodling at the same time.

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This is the quilt top when I got it. It's very pretty in a simple way. I want the quilting to embellish it and give it some life. I feel it needs dimension and texture.

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I'm almost halfway through the main body of the quilt. I'm going to go back and finish the borders after the main quilt is done.  I'm hoping my friend will love it when I'm done with it!

Frightful Fun BOM Update

I'm not sure why but the April blocks for Frightful Fun are already up! I made these blocks in an afternoon. These are quick and easy! (...