Tuesday, August 8, 2017


Image may contain: ocean, sky, cloud, outdoor, nature and water

I'm officially on vacation this week. We love doing day trips. We always seem to make our way up to Maine. The day was a little overcast but since it didn't rain, we had a nice time walking around Ogunquit, Maine. This is the view while eating our lunch. We ate at Jackie's Too on Perkins Cove. 

Image may contain: food

 I had a tasty lobster salad. It was so good! 

Image may contain: house and outdoor

I also visited Knight's Quilt Shop. This is another of my annual traditions. My husband usually sits on the porch and waits for me. I try not to take too long but sometimes I can't help staying in there awhile!

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I ended up buying a book and fat quarter pack. I'm such a sucker for books! I have way too many so I figured one more wouldn't hurt! I love the pink fabrics. I bought that with a project in mind. I think my first day of vacation was a success! Wonder where I'll go next!?


  1. What a great day--love those shades of pink...that lobsta salad looks amazing!! hugs enjoy Julierose

    1. Thanks, Julierose. It was a great day overall! Hoping my vacation is good everyday!!

  2. Happy Vacation. It's nice that the weather isn't a heat wave!

    1. Thanks, Em! The weather has cooperated so far. Hope it stays that way!

  3. how fun! love day trips and cant wait to see where you end up next! nice stash enhancement too


I Like Thursday #264

It's time for I Like Thursday where a bunch of us bloggers post lots of likes. Please visit  LeeAnna  to link up to more blogs. I finish...