Sunday, March 11, 2018

Stellaria Shawl

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This is Stellaria after blocking. I really love this pattern! It's a pattern by Susanna IC which can be found on Ravelry. 

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This is a closeup of the pattern. I blocked and pinned the shawl after a quick washing.

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This is how it looked before blocking. So much nicer after a little TLC!

Image may contain: tree, snow, sky, plant, outdoor and nature

We had an awful storm here a few days ago. This tree fell across the street from my house. It started Wednesday evening into Thursday.

Image may contain: fire, night and indoor

We had no power for 66 hours! It was pretty awful. We spent a lot of time near our fireplace. The power is back but another storm is predicted for Tuesday. Not looking forward to that at all!


  1. Your latest shawl is gorgeous! What a difference after blocking it. Sorry you had to go without power. What an awful storm!

    1. Thank you, Em! Blocking changes the whole look of this shawl! This storm was awful and I had to work through the whole thing. Not looking forward to this next storm but at least I'm not working this time.

  2. I love your shawl - it's beautiful and what a difference blocking makes! That's a long time without power...hope the next storm is kinder to you.

    1. Thank you, Raewyn! I never thought blocking would make such a difference but it did with Stellaria! I'm hoping the next storm doesn't affect our power. It gets so cold so fast! Say a prayer for us!!

  3. Last storm we were out for 36 hrs. Stay safe and warm
    Beautiful shawl

    1. Thanks, Dawn! Hope the storm isn't too bad. I'm off for the next few days. Be careful!

  4. This is so pretty. Elegant. Hugs, lj

    1. Thanks so much! So glad you like it! It came out just as I had hoped! (Doesn't always happen!)


I Like Thursday #268

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