Thursday, February 27, 2025

I Like Thursday #265

It's time for I Like Thursday. We bloggers post our likes for the week. Please visit LeeAnna to link up to more participating blogs. I'm way ahead on the Laurel Ridge BOM. The March directions came out a few days ago and I'm already done!! We had to make 48 half square triangles. Thanks to the 8-at-a-time method, I finished them in record time! The Halloween BOM still hasn't posted for March yet. 

Anyone else taking part tomorrow? No buying from large companies. No gas or fast food. No credit cards. Buying from small business is fine. Just trying to make an impact by hitting them in the wallet. Money is the only thing they're interested in. 

I found this great fabric to frame my Easter cross stitch. It's a little busy but I just love the bunnies! I'm keeping it! It's amazing what's hiding in my stash!

I just finished this book and loved it! I enjoyed the characters and the plot. It's s study of Lila and her family. I have a best friend named Lila so I felt like I new her right from the start of the book.

That's it for this week! Have a great weekend!!

Monday, February 24, 2025

Log Cabin Star

I finished my Log Cabin Star table topper. It measures approximately 36" X 31". I loved making this. Once I figured out the directions, it was easy to sew together. It's a little different to have 60 degree angles on either side of a strip but it works out very nicely. I loved picking out batiks. Next time, I would place the strips a little differently. I would make the medium strips in the order of lightest to darkest. I didn't differentiate them this time. I didn't even think of it! I would like to make a quilt using this pattern and all my scraps. I'm hunting for a pattern.

I'm so happy to show you the middle intersection. Everything lined up very nicely the first time I sewed that middle seam. I usually have to rip out and fiddle with it but this one was good after one try! That doesn't always happen to me. It was a nice surprise!!

Thursday, February 20, 2025

I Like Thursday #264

It's time for I Like Thursday where a bunch of us bloggers post lots of likes. Please visit LeeAnna to link up to more blogs. I finished piecing all the blocks for the Log Cabin Star table topper. There are a few things I would do differently with colors, but I do like it! I do enjoy working on quick projects. I started making this over the weekend and hope to have it all sewn together soon.

One reason I've been getting so much done is the snow!! We've been getting plenty of snow here in New England. This is a picture of my daughter watching her boyfriend and father clean off her car. It's nice that she didn't have to do it all by herself. There was lots of snow and ice out there from the weekend storm. We're still dealing with ice and wind. It's been a long winter!!

I was watching TV and dozing off for the night when I saw Lily on high alert! It looks like Molly, our other cat, was in my bedroom. Lily is quite territorial and didn't like seeing her in this room. Molly saw her and quickly left the room! So funny!

My daughter's boyfriend got me a subscription to this magazine and I just received it a few days ago. There are some great patterns in this one. There's also a cute little project for Valentine's Day. I got it a little too late for this year, but it may come in handy next year. 

Those are my likes for the week. We're expecting warmer temperatures this weekend so hopefully, no snow!! Have a great weekend!!

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Log Cabin Star Table Topper

I went to my local quilt shop yesterday knowing we're expecting another snowstorm this weekend. I had received a gift of 12 batiks and knew what I wanted to make. I just needed a few colors for contrast. I don't really need to start a new project but I'm caught up on my BOMs, so figured what the heck!! This project should be quick. This picture is of 3 diamond log blocks. I like the effect of the fabrics. 

This is the pattern that I've had for years. I always wanted to make it but never had the time. I've been thinking of making a Log Cabin quilt but wanted a more modern version. I figured I could try this table topper and see if I enjoy the process. It should finish at 36.5" X 31.5". 

This is one diamond block. It's a log cabin quilt in 60 degree edges. I found the directions a little difficult but I think I'm catching on!!

I'm hoping this storm isn't too bad. When the storm is over, we have a high wind warning. I'm afraid we'll lose power. Ugh! This winter just doesn't want to stop! I'm definitely looking forward to Spring!!

Monday, February 10, 2025

Project Updates

I just finished Troubled Tomb from the Frightful Fun Block of the Month. It's all paper pieced and measures 12 X 18 finished. The hardest part for me was the grass. Those points are very thin and fine. I found them even hard to iron!


The Frightful Fun Mini is all sewn together. I just have to figure out how to quilt it. I'm finishing up this month's blocks for both of my BOMs before I even think about that! This measures 18" square when finished.

And I finished my Easter cross stitch project. I'll probably make it into a little wall hanging. The pattern is from the Spring 2024 issue of Just Cross Stitch. I just received the Spring 2025 issue and there's lots of great patterns in it too. I love the happy and bright Spring patterns. It's what you need during the long cold winter! It's been very snowy here and there are a few more storms on the way. I think I'll stay in and work on my projects!!

Thursday, February 6, 2025

I Like Thursday #263

Welcome to a snowy I Like Thursday! A bunch of us bloggers post lots of likes every Thursday. You can link up to more blogs by visiting LeeAnna over at Not Afraid of Color. I'm certainly not going out today. It started snowing this morning around 8:30 and hasn't let up. It's supposed to snow all afternoon with a changeover to sleet and freezing rain. Indoors is much nicer!

I'm so excited that my Christmas Cactus has 2 blossoms! I bought this plant over a year ago and wasn't sure how well it was doing. It seems to be growing well and thriving! I'm not the best with plants but maybe that's changing!

I have finished the February blocks for the Laurel Ridge Block of the Month. I decided to make a pieced block instead of applique. I even ironed the seams in opposite directions which will make it easier to sew these blocks together. They measure 5.5" square.

The prompt this week is to name something exciting we've done. I think my decision to go away to college is the most exciting thing I've done. It changed my life. I became my own person and learned to rely on myself. I think it changed me and helped me to become who I am today. I still have friends who lived in my dorm. I think it was one of my better decisions in life!

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Laurel Ridge BOM Alternate Blocks

 This is the alternate block I've been making for the Laurel Ridge BOM from The Quilt Show. The actual block in the quilt is an applique block. Since the blocks are only 5" finished, I didn't feel like attempting to applique 10 different pieces onto that small square. Barbara Black, who blogs at My Joyful Journey, is helping us through this project. She came up with a few alternate blocks for those of us who didn't want to applique. This block is one that she suggested. She made her version on Electric Quilt. She didn't give concrete directions so I went to Electric Quilt and made my own version! I haven't used Electric Quilt in ages but this was easy to figure out. I liked this block the best because the applique version looked like a circle and thought this had the same overall look.

I only need to make 12 blocks. They'll be sewn in groups of 3 similar to this photo. Barbara couldn't tell us if we'd have enough fabric in the kit to make these blocks so I went out and bought a few matching fabrics. The gold fabric would have been the background of the applique blocks so I felt I was safe to use it. The purple was also part of the kit. There wasn't very much of it so I think it was only supposed to be used for the applique. I bought the background as well as the 2 other colors and cornerstones. I've already made 6 so I only have 6 left. I heard we're making over 40 half square triangles next month. That doesn't sound too bad!

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Paper Pieced Frightful Mini

 I finished the cat and bat blocks from the Frightful Minis project. They measure 6.5" square. It's only 9 blocks so it will be a nice little table topper. The cat wasn't too bad but that bat has a ton of seams that meet where those this black lines all intersect. I tried to iron that seam open but it wasn't easy. It was so thick!

Here's my progress so far. I only have 1 block left! It will finish at 18" square. This is a fun project and it helped me brush up on my paper piecing skills. It takes a while to get used to working from the back of the block!

Today was a great day to stay in and sew. We woke up to a few inches of snow. I'm so grateful that I'm not working anymore. I used to work every Saturday so I would have been out in the snow to get to work for 6AM. So nice to be retired!!

Halloween BOM Frightful Fu

I've been working on my Frightful Fun BOM since I'm all caught up with the Laurel Ridge BOM sponsored by The Quilt Show. I finished ...