Monday, March 10, 2025

Toil and Trouble

I finished the latest block released for the Frightful Fun BOM. I was a little nervous to make this one. The bird looked difficult to me, especially the eye. The eye is about 1/2" square and then each corner gets a tiny triangle to make it look more round. 

I'll admit that I had to make the eye twice before I got the hang of it. The pieces were just so small. The second one looked so much better than the first one.

I also wanted a fun accent piece below that charcoal grey of the cauldron. I was lucky I found this Tula Pink in my scrap box. It was perfect!!

I decided to make the moon yellow at the last minute. I had another fabric all picked out that had stars in it but changed my mind. I'm glad I went with yellow. I was a little nervous to sew on those "legs" but it all worked out! The designers do a great job with these patterns. 

I'm all done for this month and am waiting for the April release of the next patterns.


  1. Beautiful work on this block--that bird is so cute--[and all the others, too], Rosemary! I have only tried a few easy paper piecing patterns and that was a long time ago...
    Are you enjoying doing them? I have had the 1/4" PP ruler waiting for me to try some for a long time... Will you hand quilt these??? I am enjoying seeing all your blocks...hugs, Julierose

    1. Thanks so much, Julierose! I have that ruler too but I don't think I've ever used it. I'm enjoying them more now that I remember how to paper piece! I felt I forgot since it had been some time since I'd used this technique. It's definitely getting better now!

  2. That is a great block...but that bird's eye would have sent me over the edge, such tiny pieces. You selected nice fabrics for the cauldron and moon. You are making me want to get out the Halloween Figs BOM. I don't remember where I left off.

  3. You are an amazing quilter, Rosemary! That eye certainly looks tricky. What a fabulous block you have here.


Toil and Trouble

I finished the latest block released for the Frightful Fun BOM. I was a little nervous to make this one. The bird looked difficult to me, es...