Wednesday, August 29, 2012

More Machine Quilting

I've been steadily machine quilting my quilt tops trying to get them done. This is the Mystery Quilt that the guild offered this past year. I meandered the body of the quilt and decided to sew this curly little scroll in the inner border. I thought it was a nice reference to the pattern in the outer border. This pattern comes from this book:
I bought this book at the Mancuso World Quilt Show. I couldn't resist buying it. I have fun just looking through this book. It's full of great ideas. I'm so glad I bought it!

I've also been working on my Summer Star Sampler quilt. This is Block 8 out of 12. I stippled in the blue areas and sewed feathers in the actual star. These next photos may help you see things better.

It's a sort of side view.

Just a little bit closer!

 Here's a closeup of the 9th block I've quilted in this same quilt. There are leaves that start in the outer corners of the 4 patch. This one is light and even harder to see than the others.

I just have to say that I'm being kept busy with my machine quilting! After this, I have 2 quilt tops left to finish up. I'm just trying to get these quilt tops made into actual quilts so I won't feel guilty starting something new!


  1. Those stars are just so pretty! Your quilting looks terrific. Julierose

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Are you quilting on a domestic sewing machine? Doing a great job! I recognise some of the fabrics in your stars and they are some of my favourites too!

    1. Thanks, Karin! Yes, I'm using my domestic machine. You sort of get used to all the bulk. I've had some of that fabric for ages!

  4. Your block looks great. I like the fabrics.The blue is just the right fabric for the background


  5. You are becoming quite the Machine Quilter. I can wait to see the end result.

    1. Linda, it takes me so long! I just want to get the quilt tops done. You know I hate to have unfinished projects hanging around!

  6. I love the feather quilting. I always have to remind myself that I need to finish projects before I start new ones...I don't usually listen to myself. ;)

    1. April, it's so hard to keep from starting another project! I'm trying very hard! Glad you like the feathers! One of my first attempts at them.

  7. Great job with the quilting and can't wait to see the finished Summer Star Sampler Quilt! Great fabric selection.

    1. Thanks, FarahLin! My daughter and I picked out the fabric from that quilt just by using my stash. I think I may have too much fabric!

  8. You are doing wonderful, Rosemary! They look great.


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