Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Productive Day

I machine quilted another block in my sampler quilt. There are large leaves radiating out of the dark star. There are also straight line designs in the corners and triangles. The leaves were not marked but the lines were measured and marked using one of those blue Mark-B-Gone markers. I love those markers. I already washed it out. I have used them for a long time and never had a problem with them. Of course, the quilt will be washed when the quilting is complete. (Who knows when that will be!)

Here's a close up of the block. It's still not a great picture but it is a bit easier to see. The free motion leaves were very quick. The marked lines took longer but so easy to quilt! I used a walking foot for the marked design. I enjoyed quilting the whole block. Machine quilting is getting a little easier for me.

I figured since I had the walking foot on the machine, I may as well as outline the wreath. So that's what I did! I quilted around the inside and outside of the wreath. I also stitched the border seam. I was thinking of meandering the background and leaving the wreath the way it is. I haven't decided for sure. I would like the wreath to look like one unit. If I quilted around each twister, it may look sort of choppy. I still have to think that over!

I also have the backing all put together and ironed for my mystery quilt. The mystery quilt was also ironed. I did laundry and even cleaned a few windows. I'm not sure what got into me today but I feel like I accomplished a lot! I am feeling sort of tired now. I plan on sitting down and watching the Olympics with my knitting and a cup of tea!! Hope you all had a good day too!! Enjoy your evening!


  1. I really like the block you quilted. I have some of the black fabric and have not thought of using it with pastel florals. The quilted leaf design looks great.

  2. Thanks so much! So nice to finally be making some progress on my WIPs!

  3. I agree on not outlining each of the twister blocks. I like your idea of outlining the wreath.

    1. Still thinking of meandering the background so the wreath will pop. Not sure yet.

  4. A productive day indeed! I can see you're enjoying FMQ alot now, beautiful quilted block by the way. Love the idea of doing meandering around the wreath - it'll give the wreath a beautiful emboss finish.

    1. Haven't decided for sure! I'm having another good day today. I just pinned my mystery quilt to the batting and backing! Not sure why I feel this energy. Not questioning it! Thanks for the visit!!


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