Sunday, January 20, 2013

Bad Week

My computer was fairly old and has been slow for awhile but it finally died this past week. I had to resort to using my phone and my Nook. I really missed the old desk top! Also, my daughter and I have been shopping and had hair appointments. My days off were rather busy. However, yesterday, my husband did go out and found me a nice lap top! I like it but have to get used to it. I was trying it out last night when I came down with a stomach virus. Not fun at all! I went to bed early and woke up a bit better but still not that great. I hope to rest and lay around like Lily is doing in the picture! I'm sure she will love company on the couch!

I haven't had much time for quilting. I have been practicing some more FMQ, knitting my shawl and doing some applique on my Dresden plates. It's been sporadic at best. I'm hoping to get back into the swing of things once I feel back to my old self.

 The desk top was on a good sized desk in the sewing/computer room. I may be able to rearrange things and make it a sewing room only! I have so much to do this week! I just have to get over this darn virus.

Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend. Keep away from all the nasty viruses out there!


  1. I am so sorry to hear you have been sick. Stomach bugs are the worst! Hope you and Lily have a peaceful (or pieceful maybe) afternoon.

    1. Thanks, Auntie Em! Hate being sick. Just want to feel better already. Lily and I are enjoying each other's company on the couch already!!

  2. Get a LOT of rest, Rosemary; this stomach virus is a nasty one!! I am finally recovering --still not all that hungry tho'--maybe I'll drop a few lbs? Hah! Most likely not!! Hope you feel better soon--cuddle with your kitty and dream of your quilts...Julierose

    1. Thanks, Julierose! I have planted myself on the couch and will probably spend the major part of the day here! Just wish I could be more productive.

  3. Sorry to hear you have had a great week. I hope you feel better soon, get past the learning curve of a new computer and get some time in your sewing room. Jackie

    1. Jackie, I hope to get used to this computer very soon! Would love to spend time in my sewing room! Great way to feel better!

  4. I'm glad you were able to get a new computer, I hope you'll be feeling better soon, and I hope this week is better than last!! It seems the bad always makes us appreciate the good that much more. Your little Lily is adorable! :-)

    1. Melanie, thank you for such kind words! I'm hoping this goes away fast! I should be fine very soon. Lily is my little couch buddy for the day!

  5. Oh Rosemary I'm so sorry you are down with the bug! Isn't that typical when we have so much to do we get sick? Hoping you get well soon! At least you have a furry friend that you can hug and love on while sharing the couch! I've had a migraine for a couple of days. I finally found my recliner. Hubby said to me, Do you realize you have worked everyday this week! Anyways get well!

    1. You're amazing to be able to work with a migraine! They are so painful! I'm better than last night but not quite myself. Getting there slowly, I guess! Lily has been great company!

  6. Take good care and drink lots of water. Stomach bugs are never fun. Hope you managed to relax together with Lily. Glad you got a new laptop. Hope this week will be much better for you!

    1. Thanks, Astrid! Love my new laptop. I tried eating dinner but still not back to normal yet. Guess I have to be patient!

  7. So sorry you came down with that nasty virus! I hope you are feeling better each day! Get lots of rest and liquids. {{Hugs}}

    1. Sharn, I guess I couldn't keep up my end of the bargain either! I didn't get it too badly. Just about 24 hours of feeling awful. I even worked yesterday. Could have been worse! Hope your and your husband are all better now!


I Like Thursday #264

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