Friday, January 25, 2013

Valentine's Day Mug Rug

I had promised myself that I couldn't start any new projects until I finished my works in progress. When I came home from work yesterday, I just felt the need to make something small for Valentine's Day. It happens to be my son's birthday too!  I felt I didn't have any cute quilted item for the holiday. I got home and started looking through my stash and this is what I came up with! It's a cute project and it's finished! No need for guilt!

Here's a close up of my quilting. It's the open head band motif I found on line. It was so fun to practice. I just wish the mug rug was a little bigger so I could have really kept quilting this wonderful motif!

I had posted some pictures of my Twister quilt in an earlier post. Here's a close up of one of my Twister blocks after quilting. I think the contrast is much easier to see with the dark red background.

I have a very busy day planned today! Trying to catch up on my projects! Enjoy your day!


  1. I really like your machine quilting. It is looking very professional. This week as certainly been a good week to stay inside and quilt. Way too cold to venture out for too long. Stay warm.
    Linda N

    1. Thanks, Linda! So hard to find time to practice but that's what really helps FMQ! It's been so cold! Too bad I had to work!

  2. Oh your machine quilting has gotten soooo god!! I really like the twister pattern you are making! I am still ironing scraps and trying to re-organize. Have FINALLY stopped coughing--yay!! Energy is coming back slowly...have a great time sewing....Julierose

    1. I heard it takes a while to get back to normal. Take it easy. I'm so glad you like my quilting!!

  3. I hadn't checked in for a while! I totally love your quilting. It looks awesome. Your twister quilt is coming right along. Great work Rosemary.

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by and for the kind words!

  4. Cute mug rug and the feathers in the twister block are great filler!

    1. So glad you liked them! Thanks for visiting my blog!!

  5. Great little mug rug! Sometimes it's fun to just play in the scrap pile. I really like that quilting pattern you used with it.

    Your quilting on the twister quilt is another great choice. Really gives it movement, and it looks so nice.

    1. Thanks, Auntie Em! It was fun to make a quick little project and actually finish it!

  6. Sometimes it is just fun to play, pick something, do this or that and finish a little project. You do lovely work..keep enjoying, that is what it is all about.

    1. You're so right! It was so refreshing to do something quick and be able to complete it. Thanks!

  7. That looks absolutely wonderful. Love the first filler design...might have to investigate. Looks a bit like the jester hat that was demonstrated at SewCalGal during last year's FMQ Challenge. Thanks for the picture of the twister motif...that is what I thought it was when looking at your last pictures. So neat...great work

    1. It's easier than jester hat! It's called open headband. I found it pretty easy to do. Found it on a blog. Thanks for the compliments, Karin!

  8. Love your mug rug and I love to make them too, fast and fun projects and a great way to use up scraps. Lovely feather quilting at your twister quilt.

    1. The mug rug was just what I needed, a nice quick project that I could finish! So glad you like my quilting! It's coming along!

  9. Your free motion quilting is wonderful. Love the mug rug! It is so nice to begin and finish something in a day!

    1. Thanks, Joanie! Such a nice feeling to get something done so quickly!

  10. Way to finish those projects! And they look so great - really nice quilting!

  11. Love your mug rug. Your quilting is beautiful on both projects. Having a fun quick project to finish does break the monotony of a large project. I need to practice my "fancy" quilting more that's for sure.

    1. Practice time is so hard to find! I need to practice much more than I actually do. Thank you!!


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