Sunday, February 10, 2013


Thank you, blizzard! I had to stay home yesterday due to the storm and never lost electricity. So what could I do? I quilted and worked on my projects! I finished quilting the blue border on my Twister quilt as you can see above! I wish I had made my clamshells/headbands a little larger but this border was such an odd shape. It wasn't very large to fill. I think my allover meandering background is showing through. I love the texture it gives and am happy with it. My husband said he likes it too so I guess it's good!

I'll be quilting that red border next. I'm practicing a scroll pattern. I have to be careful since the quilting will really show up against that dark red fabric.

I also finished knitting my lace shawl. Pictures will follow. It's soaking right now and still has to be blocked. I'm finishing up my Dresden plate blocks. I'm on the eleventh block so I only have one more left! I feel like I'm finally catching up on these unfinished projects.

We really did get over 2 feet of snow. I didn't really believe it when I heard the forecast. I will leave you with this picture of my husband snow blowing the driveway!

It took him 4 hours to snow blow the driveway, clean off the deck and shovel off the steps. I stayed in and quilted! I did cook him lunch!



  1. Nice projects! I am in NH we too had same situation! I worked on Underground Railroad quilt and knitting a pair of socks while hubby did same as yours!

    1. I like dividing up the chores around the house. I'd rather be quilting/knitting than shoveling any day!

  2. Two feet of snow .... that is a lot of snow at one time! Good on you for enjoying working on your projects whilst being snowbound. :)

    1. I felt there wasn't much else I could do! It worked out very nicely for me!

  3. Your quilting looks wonderful. Can't wait to see the entire project.

    Two feet of snow? Wow! That would shut my world down but I guarantee you my husband would be out clearing driveways - with a tractor.

    Glad you all came through safely.

    1. Thanks, Mary! I think my husband wishes he had had a tractor yesterday! He did okay, just took awhile! Forecasting ice and rain tomorrow! Such bad weather!

  4. Had a similiar situation around here except that I got less done, and I felt more guilty, so I baked him a cake!

    1. The cake sounds good to me! So glad I was off and didn't have to drive through that storm.

  5. Oh my all that snow! When living in Ohio I used to enjoy snow days off with boys home due to school closings. Awesome quilting on twister quilt border. So happy you had a fun filled day working on your projects. No snow for us here in Charlotte, NC. Rain and a high of 50 for us.

    1. Thanks, Joanie! I did miss having the kids around. Hearing ice and rain for tomorrow! But it will get warmer!

  6. We just now got power this afternoon from Friday night--We were running out of gas for our generator and our street just got plowed==some 24" of snow/ice mess with 4' drifts on roads--a total nightmare here. BUT...all is good now--electricity is where it's at for sure. the Nat'l Guard is here to help us out. I did get to clean out my fabric stash a lot...about 2/3rds done..stay warm--Julierose

    1. So glad you got your power back! That was a long time to be without it. We didn't lose it once which is a huge surprise. Can't believe you've used up so much of your stash! Good for you! Hope things get back to normal for you soon!

  7. Nasty weather is wonderful, isn't it? As long as one can stay inside and don't have to venture out. I've been inside the whole weekend, except from a trip to the grocery store yesterday morning. Here we have had thunderstorms and lots of rain during the weekend. I've been quilting! :) Your FMQ looks great!

    1. I never mind staying home! There's always so much to do! Between cleaning the house and quilting, I'm always busy! We're getting ice and rain today. I do wish winter was over!

  8. Your quilting looking great! Glad that you are safe and warm and was able to work on some projects. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks, DeAnna! I'll be quilting some more today since now it's icing out! Wish this weather would improve.

  9. The quilting in the borders looks very pretty.

    1. Thanks! Wish I had made it a little larger but I can live with it!


I Like Thursday #268

It's time for Thursday likes! Please visit LeeAnna over at  Not Afraid of Color  to link up with more blogs posting fun likes. My two ca...