Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Finishing up that Binding

I'm not sure about you, but I always seem to have an issue when it comes to binding. I'm never completely comfortable with my method. I always have to look up how to finish the ends in a non-lumpy fashion. I decided to take pictures and post my way of doing it so I can have easy access the next time I'm at the binding stage. If it helps anyone else out there, it would be an added bonus!

As you see above, I start sewing by leaving a 10-12 inch tail.

I sew all 4 sides and leave a gap between the ends. Both ends now have a 10-12 inch tail. I trim the excess binding on both sides and overlap the two ends by 2 1/2 inches since that's the width of my binding. If my binding was 2 inches wide, I would have the two ends overlap by 2 inches.

Here is one of the tails. I've opened it up and measured it just to make sure I'm accurate. (I've been off in the past!)

This is the only really tricky part. I've gotten it backwards in the past. First of all, I've pinned the body of the quilt to give myself some extra space to play around with the binding. I have unfolded both ends of the binding. The left side opens up to show the right side of the fabric. The left binding edge is also unfolded however the wrong side of the fabric is displayed. The right sides of the two binding ends meet in the same fashion as when we joined the binding. I put a pin there. You can actually open it up and make sure the binding is oriented properly. (This is where I have screwed up in the past.) It's not hard but so easy to fold the wrong way.

As you can see, I pinned again and drew a diagonal line that I will sew on.

Once I sew on that line, I trim the seam to 1/4inch and finger press. I unpin my quilt and it fits perfectly! Success!!

Here it is! You would never know I started the binding here. No bumps or lumps!

There are many versions of this all over the internet. This one seems to work for me. Hope I've helped someone!


  1. Bindings are trouble for me! Thanks for the post and pictures- I will try your method as it looks like a great finish...Julierose

    1. Hope it helps! I always forget and have finished things backwards and frustrated! Maybe this will stick with me!

  2. Thanks! I seem to never remember how to do binding this way. I think I always forget that I need to cut the tails the width of the binding. Thanks for refreshing my memory.

    1. I tend to sew the ends together backwards! So annoying! Hope this helps you to remember!

  3. It's a little different from the way I do it, but I think I like yours better. I have had many a time where I sewed them in the wrong direction. :-(

    1. I've ended up with the ends backwards so many times! It's easy if you don't start twisting everything all around! Maybe your method is easier than this one?

  4. LOL - I wrote and added pictures of a tutorial for binding on my blog too because I never remember how I last did it. I thought maybe writing a tutorial would lodged it in my brain. We will see as I will be binding another quilt probably this week.

    1. I love bindings because it means I'm done a quilt but I have screwed it up so many times! I think I read your tutorial awhile ago. Hope we both remember for next time!

  5. I always have to look up how to do this every time I sew on a binding, and I still often manage to mess it up. More instructions always help, I will try yours next time and maybe something will finally click and I will get it right!

    1. Hope these directions help! I get so surprised if I actually get it right the first time! Let me know if you they help you!

  6. Thanks for the photos and instructions, Rosemary. I have tried this in the past, and it ended up twisted or too short. But it does look so much better than the overlapping method that I usually use. I'll try following your instructions next time.

    1. Hope it helps, Colleen! It's so frustrating when you're almost done and the ends are just not meeting properly! I need to have a tutorial ready for next time!


I Like Thursday #261 (Late!!)

I'm so late posting for I Like Thursday. Once a week, a group of bloggers post fun and happy likes. Please visit LeeAnna at  Not Afraid ...