Friday, February 28, 2014

FMQ Pebbles

Just a quick post to show you my latest Free Motion Quilting. I'm still quilting between channels but this time I've decided to free motion pebbles. They are by no means perfect but as a whole look pretty good. You can see my blue markings where I have measured and marked the channels. It's a bit time consuming but it's a nice look.

Here's a different view.

I actually improve while I quilt. My beginning pebbles aren't quite as good as the ones at the end of my quilt session.  It's too bad these improvements don't carry on from day to day but maybe they will after I've practiced even more. The pebbles are a nice break from the feathers I've been quilting
Have a nice weekend! Those of us in the northeast can look forward to more snow on Monday! When will it ever end?? 21 more days until spring!! 

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The Sweater that Wasn't!!

I know this doesn't look like a sweater, but this is what's left of my sweater project! I had the pieces all blocked and started sewing them together. Here's a picture of the blocked pieces.

I knew the pattern was a little weird but I didn't realize how weird until I started putting it together! The front and back was each made up of 2 pieces. They were to be sewn together diagonally (?). The two pieces were not the same length. The left front was long but right front was short(?). Same thing for the back. As I started putting it together, I realized I would never ever wear anything that looked this crazy. So I took it apart and hope to use the yarn for something I'll actually wear! That's the great thing about knitting. Even years later, you can take a project apart and use that yarn over again. It's too bad we can't do the same thing with fabric when working on a quilt. Once it's cut, that's it! Unless you make something really small!

I also want to thank Bellezza for my adorable Valentine's Day card. I have it displayed on my sofa table. It was so thoughtful to send me. Totally unexpected and I love it!

It's cold and windy all over again. I'm trying to stay warm and so is Lily! She's sitting right behind me on the couch. Doesn't she look comfy??

Sunday, February 23, 2014

FMQ Feathers

I finally got a somewhat decent picture of the feathers I've been quilting. I hope you can see them okay. I have been marking the spine but the rest is completely free motion. I think I'm getting more comfortable with them. They aren't perfect but good enough to not have to rip out.

I really am enjoying quilting my feathers on this quilt. I started on the black fabric. The thread matches so well that you can barely see the feathers. That's a good thing when you're just starting out and feel unsure of yourself. The black fabric feathers are giving me the experience to work on the white fabric where the feathers are more prominent. We all need practice but it's so nice to practice and finish a quilt at the same time!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Back to Sewing!

I finally got back to my sewing machine today! I've had a busy stretch at work but I'm finally off for a few days. I couldn't wait to get back and finish my latest block for the Tone It Down Quilt Along sponsored by American Patchwork and Quilting. I didn't have too much to do since the block was partially sewn together.

Here are the three blocks all together. I think I like it! It's so great to hunt through my stash and find fabrics I had forgotten I even had. I've already started cutting the pieces for the next block. As you can tell, it takes many pieces per block. I need 20 blocks. I'll get there, eventually!!

I was hoping I could have shown you the feathers I quilted today. However, the photographs didn't come out too good. I used black thread on a marble black fabric. It's impossible to see. I'll post pictures when I work on a different part of the quilt. I'm hoping you'll be able to actually see what I quilted!

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Basket Case

Just a quick post to show you my latest quilt top! It's Basket Case by Cluck Cluck Sew. I used the Honey Honey fabric line from Kate Spain. It measures 61" by 71". It's happy and bright and reminds me of spring. That's a good thing since it's snowing, again! My daughter really loves this quilt so I think she'll be the one who ends up with it! It's a great pattern where the strips really look like they're weaving in and out.
Here's the top with just one border. That second border really helps frame the pattern. One border wouldn't have been enough. So glad I bought that fabric when it was still available.
I have to make more progress with my machine quilting. I have a few tops to quilt so I'm going to stop piecing and get moving on the quilting!
Hope it stops snowing one of these days...........

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Tote Bag Done!

I'm so happy to show off my new tote bag! I love the way it came out. The pattern can be found at  Moda Bake Shop. I followed the directions which were well written and made sense to me. I was afraid I wouldn't be able to add the zipper but I did it!

Here's a picture of the inside. I have the zippered pocket on the right and a 3-compartment pocket on the left. Everything lines up and works! The directions called for a 10 inch zipper but I could only find a 9 inch zipper. I know you can cut down zippers but I figured the one inch difference wouldn't really matter and I wouldn't have to fuss with cutting it. It worked out fine!

I can't wait to start using it. I'll probably have to wait until this storm is over that's been forecast for tomorrow. I'm hoping to finish another project since I'll be stuck inside. I'm so grateful to have the day off tomorrow. I'll be happy to stay indoors and sew! Stay safe out there!!

Friday, February 7, 2014

Progress & Olympics

As I've said before, I seem to have quite a few projects going on but I'm making progress! The above quilt top is ready for borders! It's so nice to have the blocks all put together. I worked so hard to get the seams lined up as best as I could. I think the effect of this quilt wouldn't work unless everything is lined up as best as possible. I'll cut the borders this weekend.

My sweater is all knitted! However, it still has to be put together! I blocked the individual pieces this morning. I had to cover everything up with a towel. My cat, Lily, thinks it's great fun to pull all the pins out. This pattern is called Wakame which can be seen here. It's a free pattern from Berocco. It reminds me of a sweater from Eileen Fisher. (So expensive!) I hope mine comes out okay. It's sort of a weird pattern.
But tonight, I'm watching the opening ceremonies for the Winter Olympics! I've started to knit my son a new pair of socks. I made him a pair years ago. He only wears them at night. Well, he moved furniture around his college apartment and seems to have lost a sock. Just one! I figured it's a nice easy project to work on while I enjoy the Olympics. Have a great weekend!!

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Batik Scrap Tote Bag

Whoops! I started another project! What is wrong with me?? Actually, I had a great assortment of left over batik scraps. I wanted to make something with them since they were too pretty (and expensive) to just discard. I found a great tutorial on the Moda Bakeshop blog. It's the Herringbone Haul it All Tote Bag by the talented Marion McClellan of My Quilt Diet. I think the batiks look great together. I'm hoping it makes a gorgeous tote bag!

Here's how it started:

Yup, one long strip made up of 84 "half hexy" pieces! I used Jaybird's Hex n' More ruler I received at Christmas. It's a great ruler. There's so much it can do. Very versatile!
I just have to machine quilt the panel and then move onto the interior lining. It also includes a zippered pocket. This may be a bit challenging for me but I'm willing to try it. I'll post more progress as I work through the pattern.
Hope you all enjoy the Super Bowl! I don't care who wins. I'm just interested in the food!  Also, heard 6 more weeks of winter was predicted by Punxsutawney Phil. That was no surprise! Heard we're getting another storm Wednesday. Can't wait for spring!!

Frightful Fun BOM Update

I'm not sure why but the April blocks for Frightful Fun are already up! I made these blocks in an afternoon. These are quick and easy! (...