Friday, February 7, 2014

Progress & Olympics

As I've said before, I seem to have quite a few projects going on but I'm making progress! The above quilt top is ready for borders! It's so nice to have the blocks all put together. I worked so hard to get the seams lined up as best as I could. I think the effect of this quilt wouldn't work unless everything is lined up as best as possible. I'll cut the borders this weekend.

My sweater is all knitted! However, it still has to be put together! I blocked the individual pieces this morning. I had to cover everything up with a towel. My cat, Lily, thinks it's great fun to pull all the pins out. This pattern is called Wakame which can be seen here. It's a free pattern from Berocco. It reminds me of a sweater from Eileen Fisher. (So expensive!) I hope mine comes out okay. It's sort of a weird pattern.
But tonight, I'm watching the opening ceremonies for the Winter Olympics! I've started to knit my son a new pair of socks. I made him a pair years ago. He only wears them at night. Well, he moved furniture around his college apartment and seems to have lost a sock. Just one! I figured it's a nice easy project to work on while I enjoy the Olympics. Have a great weekend!!


  1. The top quilt is really pretty...I love the bright colors with the white strips in between. It will be fun to see what borders you decide on.

    I knit a bit too...but, not nearly good enough to make a garment. I tried once and it was too overwhelming for my pea-brain lol

    I also really like the Batik friendship braid quilt. I'm a "batik aholic"!! =)


    1. I love batiks too! They always look good! Thanks for visiting my blog!

  2. I love the weave effect of your quilt. Great colors. I've never knitted, but have always wanted to try...another item for the To Do list.

    1. Thanks! Knitting isn't that hard. I'm sure you could do it! Give it a try!!

  3. Beautiful woven quilt! You got that quilted up so quickly!
    If you happen to find an elf who sews knits together, send him my way ASAP!

    1. Thanks! I'm not looking forward to sewing that sweater together. It's asymmetrical and uneven. Wonder what it's going to look like!!


I Like Thursday #264

It's time for I Like Thursday where a bunch of us bloggers post lots of likes. Please visit  LeeAnna  to link up to more blogs. I finish...