Monday, March 24, 2014

Charm Cherry Pack Quilt

My daughter's friend has always asked how much she would have to pay to buy one of my quilts. I really didn't want her to pay me so I decided to make a quilt just for her for her upcoming graduation from college. I saw that the Fat Quarter Shop had a new pattern out called Charm Pack Cherry Quilt.
I thought this pattern would be perfect and fun to make. I involved my daughter in the whole process.
She's not a quilter but I'm hoping I can still make a quilter out of her!

We chose a charm pack together. We decided on Chantilly by Lauren and Jessi Jung for Moda Fabrics. It had all the colors my daughter thought her friend would like. We changed the pattern a tiny bit. The pattern uses one solid but we chose multiple colors for the solid squares in the pattern.

It was quite easy to sew together. There was minimal cutting since we used charm packs for the solid as well as the print. My daughter put all the blocks together according to the pattern and I sewed everything together. When it came time to cutting, I cut everything and she put the new blocks together according to whatever color combinations she liked. It was a good partnership.

Here's the quilt without the border:

We shopped for the border this past weekend. The pattern doesn't call for a border but we decided to add one. The quilt looks quite busy since we did use all the differently colored solids.  The border calms the pattern down and makes the quilt a little larger.  The quilt now measures approximately 61.5" x 63.5".  I think that's a nice lap sized quilt!
We've already ordered the backing. I hope to finish the quilt in plenty of time for the May graduation. This what a great project to work on with my daughter. She really made it fun. It would be nice if she got interested in quilting. 


  1. Oh she wil love it--so bright and cheery--julierose

    1. Thanks, Julierose! It was so nice to work with bright colors after this never ending winter!

  2. What a lively and cheerful quilt you created together. It was a very good collaboration, for sure! Hope you get to do it again soon.

    1. It was fun because I got to work with Rebecca! Maybe she'll catch the quilting bug?? We'll see!!

  3. Love the way it is turning out and am looking forward to seeing the finish. I bet she will love it to shreds!

  4. Beautiful and cheery, the yellow reminds me of sunshine, My daughter has not managed to catch the quilting bug but often puts an order in. Cheers Pauline

    1. Thanks, Pauline! I'll keep trying to make a quilter out of her! Hope your daughter starts quilting too!!

  5. so bright and happy .. I agree it needs a border to "calm" it xx sure she will love it x

    1. Thanks, Diane! It was a fun quilt to work on. The colors were fun after the bad winter we've had!

  6. this is a really cute quilt. I am sure your daughter's friend is going to love it.

  7. Thanks! I hope she likes it as much as we enjoyed making it!


I Like Thursday #264

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