Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Quilt Guild Christmas Party

We had our guild Christmas party last night. We had quite a list of things to bring to our party. We received raffle tickets for each item we brought in.  We had to wear our name tag and attend so that's 2 raffle tickets. We also had to bring in a treat to share with everyone. Men's white socks, cereal and a Christmas fat quarter were also items on our list. We all had to bring in a tea cup or tea pot so we could enjoy our tea party. We were all supposed to wear an ugly Christmas fashion. I had an old sweater. (It still had shoulder pads in it!) Last, we were all asked to piece a friendship star block in Christmas colors. I ended up with 10 raffle tickets. (Some people were quite generous handing out those tickets!!)

Here's an idea of how much we collected last night. There's also a table behind the cereal with even more cereal boxes. They're being donated to a food pantry.

We also had  a guest speaker, Valarie Poitier. She was a wonderful speaker that had many quilts, as well as dyed fabrics, to show us. Her dyed fabric was beautiful. She actually frames some of her dyed fabric and sells it. It's true art work.

Here's one of her quilts. Lovely colors!

Look what I won! I have a new iron and Best Press as well! So glad I got my raffle tickets! Such a fun Christmas party!


I Like Thursday #264

It's time for I Like Thursday where a bunch of us bloggers post lots of likes. Please visit  LeeAnna  to link up to more blogs. I finish...