Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Quilting the Day Away!!

I thought I would post a few pictures of the quilting I've done on this quilt. It's a quilt made for Quilts for Kids. I used a ruler to make the curved lines on the squares. The sashing has some of the free motion quilting I've done in the past. 

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This is just another view of the quilt. It's made of 9 blocks of 9-patches, It's been a great way to get used to ruler work. I've always been a little intimidated especially of curved rulers. I feel much more comfortable now.

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I just started making feathers in the border. They're more difficult for me on the longarm especially since I'm making them upside down! I'm hoping they're better as I finish up this quilt. Practice is what I really need! 

Friday, January 27, 2017

Flower Block

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This is the first of 3 Flower Blocks for Green Tea and Sweet Beans, I constructed it much differently than recommended. I made the actual flower the same way as the author, Jen Kingwell. I fussy cut fabric and used freezer paper. I sewed the pieces together by hand. That part was easy!

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I appliqued the flower to the background. The directions had templates that would fit around the flower and square it off. My problem with that method is that 1/4 inch is not accounted for. I think I could have figured it out but thought this way would be easier. 

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The bottom part of the block used another fabric as a background. I sewed a stem between 2 pieces of the background.. I used freezer paper to get the correct shape so I could sew the 2 halves together. After sewing the 2 halves together, the leaves were appliqued. All I had left to do was cut it to the proper size which is 4 1/2" X 6 1/2". 

It's a cute little block! Two more to go! I feel better about making them knowing the first one came out fine. 

Monday, January 23, 2017

Keeping Up With Projects!

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Here's a little progress on my latest free motion quilting on Arcadia Avenue. This block is so fun! No marking or measuring at all. I'm just quilting in the ditch and making loops in the white area. This quilt is taking forever but only because I'm working on lots of projects! That's fine with me. I'll be done soon enough!

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This is a Flower Block for Green Tea and Sweet Beans. I'm changing it up a bit. I'm supposed to be using templates to surround the flower. My method is to applique the whole flower to a background fabric and then cutting down to size. I'm not sure it will work but I'm going to give it a try! There is a bottom half to this block that's a completely different fabric. Wonder how that will work out!

I feel that's the fun part about quilting. You can follow directions or you can do it your own way! I'll let you know how it goes!

Friday, January 20, 2017

Another Quilt Update!

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I finished the Berry Basket block for Green Tea and Sweet Beans. This was a fun block to make. Not too many pieces so it went fast! I use the freezer paper method for applique. I iron freezer paper to the wrong side of the fabric and baste. Once prepared, I can applique onto the background. Very relaxing and it lets me watch television guilt free! 

I have 4 different blocks left to make for this quilt. However, there's a large appliqued border when the body of the quilt is finished. I don't think there will be a quick end to this quilt!

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This is my next project to quilt for Quilts for Kids.  This quilt was made by the same friend who made the owl quilt I just finished for Quilts for Kids. She has a great blog which you can visit here.
You'll see what a wonderful quilter she is!

Hope you have a nice weekend. I'm working tomorrow but will be off Sunday. Not too bad!

Monday, January 16, 2017

Two Baby Quilts

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The Piece of Cake baby quilt is all finished! I sewed on the binding and finished it last week. I washed it and got that lovely texture from the machine quilting.

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This is the Quilts for Kids quilt I was working on. It's all done. 

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Here's a closeup so you can see the quilting better. I made loops in the inner border. I stippled the large areas as well as the outer border. I used a circle ruler to make those curves in the squares. I was very unsure about how to hold the ruler when I started. By the time I finished this quilt, I felt so much more comfortable with the whole process.

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I feel the back gives you a better view of the quilting. Not bad for one of my first completed quilts on the longarm! Looking forward to more quilting!

Friday, January 13, 2017

Ruler Work

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I've been working on this quilt to practice ruler work. I always find ruler work difficult. I'm afraid to keep my ruler foot snug too tightly next to the ruler. I've actually broken a few needles when I  have slipped the ruler under the needle. But if it's not tight enough, I tend to veer away from the ruler! I'm trying to find the right amount of pressure I need to follow the ruler and not break my machine!

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My friend was kind enough to let my practice on a quilt she made for Quilts for Kids. I'm trying a little custom quilting as well as the ruler work. Of course, I get to meander a good portion of it! That's my go to stitch for any project I'm quilting!

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I ordered this fabric to use as a backing. I'm not sure why but I love large floral fabrics for backings! I feel they're perfect to finish up that quilt!

Have a wonderful weekend!! 

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Scrap Vortex

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This is a sampling of what I've done so far to make my Scrap Vortex quilt. This quilt was designed by Crazy Mom Quilts and you can see her directions for week one here. She had her own quilt along in 2015 but Instagram has started their own quilt along for this pattern. It may have started in December. I'm working at my own pace. I honestly need more than one week to work through my scrap bag.

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Speaking of scrap bags, here is mine! It's still quite full but isn't bursting the bag. I've made a little progress! I'm not sure how big the quilt will be. I have lots of scraps to work through. However, I love that I'm going to be able to use these lovely little pieces and make a quilt. It will be like a memory quilt. Each fabric reminds me of other projects I've worked on. I've even found a few orphan blocks to add to the randomness of this quilt! I wonder what it will look like when I'm done. I have no idea right now but it will be fun to see!

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Applique Block

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I haven't done much since the holidays. I did manage to finish this applique block for Green Tea and Sweet Beans quilt by Jen Kingwell. I already have the next applique block all ready to sew. That's all the progress I've made for this quilt lately. The holidays are just too busy!

I worked the whole New Year's weekend but have had the last few days off. It's been so nice to stay home and get my house back to normal. The tree is gone along with the other Christmas decorations. I've also caught up on my sleep and feel as though my energy level is back.

I have been quilting the black diamonds on the Arcadia Avenue quilt. I'm almost ready to start the next hexagon block. 

Getting a few things done, a little bit at a time. Not bad for the holidays!

Frightful Fun BOM Update

I'm not sure why but the April blocks for Frightful Fun are already up! I made these blocks in an afternoon. These are quick and easy! (...