Wednesday, May 31, 2017

A Quilt Finish

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I've had such a hard time working on anything since my father passed away. But I did finish something! I finished sewing down the binding on this quilt. It was just nice to sit down, rest and do a little hand sewing. Unfortunately, I'll probable always associate this quilt with my dad's passing but I'm hoping that time will make it feel less sad.

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Here's a closeup of the binding. I had the fabric for this entire quilt in my stash. I also had the batting and backing. I had bought the backing for a different quilt but thought it would look better with this pattern.

Image may contain: plant, flower and indoorImage may contain: plant and flower

I've received some beautiful flowers the last few days. My house smells so nice! I really think they've helped me to feel better. Some of my friends are so thoughtful. Just to know that someone is thinking of you can brighten anyone's mood. I may have lost my dad but I feel my friends have really come through for me. 

Monday, May 29, 2017

Quiet Memorial Day

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I haven't done much sewing or quilting at all. I'm still adjusting to the passing of my dad. However, I would like to get to Arcadia Avenue soon. I finished this block up last week. This is the 10th block out of 12. 

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Here's a closeup of what I've done. I outlined the seams in the middle black star. I stitched in the ditch in the gray/white areas. I made little arcs in each of the little colored squares. I quilted lines in the smaller outer triangles. I made wishbones in the larger outer triangles. I like how this block turned out.

I've been watching television and sewing down the binding on my scrap quilt. I hope I start up sewing again soon. I have the next few days off and I think it would make me feel better. 

Friday, May 26, 2017

My Sad News

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I hate having to say that my dad passed away 2 days ago. He was 90 years old so he did live to a ripe age. However, I just wasn't ready to this to happen. He had been in declining health. He had had a stroke a few years ago and just wasn't the same after that. But, he was still with us.

A few days ago, he woke up at 2AM and my mom thought he was acting strangely. He couldn't walk properly and may have had a seizure. He was unresponsive after that. An ambulance was called and he was admitted to the hospital. A few hours late, he was gone. So fast. I'm so glad he didn't suffer but it's just hard to accept.

My dad was a custom tailor. It was through him that I developed a love of sewing. When my dad had difficult times, he always turned to his sewing machine. I'm hoping my sewing/quilting will do the same for me. The funeral is tomorrow and I'm hoping I get through it okay. Then, I'm going to sew and thank my dad for passing his ability to sew onto me. I think it would be the most fitting tribute to him. 

By the way, that picture is from May 13, 1984. I can't believe it's been so long. 

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Scrap Quilt Quilted!

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It's a wonderful thing to say that the quilting is complete on this quilt! I finished this the other day. I'm in the middle of sewing down the binding but wanted to share photos of the quilting.

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Here's a closeup of the quilting. I made wish bones in the sashing and arcs around each individual square of the nine patches.

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I quilted up and down lines around the 9-patch blocks set on point.

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I always love looking at the back. You can really see the quilting. This quilt was great practice for me. I got to use up some scraps as well as practice some nice quilting. I feel each quilt makes me a little more comfortable on the long arm. I still have a ways to go, but I'm getting there. 

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Mystery Quilt Revealed!

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Here's the Mystery Quilt final reveal! I finished it yesterday. I'm having some work done at my house so it was the perfect opportunity for me to finish this up. I had the main body of the quilt done but needed to add the 5 borders. I know, five borders!! It measures 67 inches square. It's actually a nice size.

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Here's a closeup of the fabrics. I think this quilt works so nicely because I used all Kaffe Fassett fabrics. You can never go wrong! The colors are rich and vibrant. They make any pattern look great!

I have no idea how to quilt it. I'm waiting for some inspiration! Any ideas?? I would love to hear them!

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Happy Mother's Day!

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Happy Mother's Day! I hope you're all enjoying your special day. I've visited my mom and brought her a few gifts. I'm back home and watching my husband trying to get dinner together. So fun to watch! Hee hee!!

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Here's a recent picture of my mom. 

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This was her passport picture when she came from Italy. She was 17 years old! I think she still looks great! I'm so lucky to still have her and my father. 

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Arcadia Avenue - More Quilting!

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So happy to say I've finished quilting the 9th block of Arcadia Avenue. I've worked a lot in the last week but I somehow found a few minutes here and there to finish this block.

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This is just a close up of the block. You can see I outlined the inside of the black area. All the seams have been stitched. This turned out to be a pretty quick block to quilt.

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I've already started the 10th block. I outlined the middle black area. I couldn't get a good picture if it since it's still in the machine. You can see what I'm doing in the black squares. Just stitching in the ditch and quilting arcs in the inner colored squares. 

I'm off for a 2 days. I have to get ready for Mother's Day and my anniversary is Saturday. Everything seems to happen at the same time!!

Friday, May 5, 2017

The Applique Begins!

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I finally cut out the borders for Green Tea and Sweet Beans. The applique consists of a vine that starts in the bottom border and curves all the way around the quilt. Between the beginning and end of that vine, there's a little garden of flowers. It's made up of 5 flowers on stems with a few leaves thrown in as well.  Here's a picture of my applique all ready to be sewn on.

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I've got one stem appliqued so far. You can see my markings where the other flowers will be added. I plan on making stems and flowers for one section, doing the applique and then repeating the process to make my way around the quilt. I know it's time consuming but I think I'll love the look of the quilt with the applique border. It should be the perfect finish to this quilt!

Frightful Fun BOM Update

I'm not sure why but the April blocks for Frightful Fun are already up! I made these blocks in an afternoon. These are quick and easy! (...