Friday, May 5, 2017

The Applique Begins!

Image may contain: food

I finally cut out the borders for Green Tea and Sweet Beans. The applique consists of a vine that starts in the bottom border and curves all the way around the quilt. Between the beginning and end of that vine, there's a little garden of flowers. It's made up of 5 flowers on stems with a few leaves thrown in as well.  Here's a picture of my applique all ready to be sewn on.

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I've got one stem appliqued so far. You can see my markings where the other flowers will be added. I plan on making stems and flowers for one section, doing the applique and then repeating the process to make my way around the quilt. I know it's time consuming but I think I'll love the look of the quilt with the applique border. It should be the perfect finish to this quilt!


  1. Applique is a great part of quilt making that I enjoy also but these days my joints are really giving me trouble so I'm not doing any at this time. An applique border will be a lovely addition.

    1. Time consuming but worth it! I used to hand quilt but my thumbs would always get so sore. I know how you feel! Hoping applique won't bother make me sore!

  2. Oh this will be such a pretty border....what fun!! hugs, Julierose
    (I use the Clover rubber thimble with the metal tip in large over my thumb--which helps)

    1. Thanks, Julierose! I'm going to look into that thimble. Sounds like it would help me.

  3. Looks like a fun border to applique, not too many intricate pieces, but enough to make it the perfect border for your quilt.

    1. Thanks, Em! Hope it looks as good as you make it sound!

  4. Oh this is going to be fun! I should have loved to make Green Tea and Sweet Beans but my hands are not up to the applique and small pieces, but I am enjoying watching yours progress!

  5. Thanks so much, Maureen! I've been working on the applique border and am finding it nice and relaxing. I'll post as soon as there's a good amount of progress to show!


I Like Thursday #264

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