Thursday, June 29, 2017

Last Block Arcadia Avenue

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I'm so happy that I'm finally on the last block of Arcadia Avenue! It's taken forever but I'm at the end! This is block 12 out of 12 blocks. I will still have to quilt the border that's made up of diamonds. I've already quilted the diamonds that separate the blocks so I will continue that same quilting motif to the remaining diamonds. 

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I quilted tight wishbones in the white spikes. I quilted parallel lines in the colored triangles. 

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I'm not sure what to quilt in the black/gray areas. I'll think of something. I'm too close to finishing to stop now! These blocks were a challenge to quilt. So happy I actually got it done!


  1. The Home Stretch! This quilt is a work of art!

    1. Thanks so much, Em! Can't believe I'm on the last block!!

  2. this is some lovely quilting--liking those spirals a lot especially how they offset the parallel line quilting...nice choice..hugs, Julierose


I Like Thursday #264

It's time for I Like Thursday where a bunch of us bloggers post lots of likes. Please visit  LeeAnna  to link up to more blogs. I finish...