Friday, September 28, 2018

Knit Stellaria Shawl

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I finally blocked the Stellaria shawl I knit for my mother. I thought I should get it done since the cooler weather will be here soon. The outer edge measures around 120 inches. 

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This is a closeup of the lace edge.

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This picture shows you how I blocked the pointed lacy edge. You can't even see the pattern until it's blocked. The stitches are just all close together and look rather messy until they're separated .

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Here's the shawl all pinned on my formal living room carpet!

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I had to cover the shawl with towels to keep my cats from pulling out the pins! They think it's funny to pull the pins out and run all over the house with them!


  1. Oh that lacey shawl is just beautiful...hugs, Julierose

    1. Thanks, Julierose! I already gave it to my mom and she loves it!


Frightful Minis - 5 Blocks

I tried to keep away from all social media as well as my laptop yesterday. I watched old TV shows and sewed this block. Trump is scary to me...