Friday, December 28, 2018

Ornaments and Binding

Image may contain: cat

Image may contain: cat and text

We got these 2 ornaments for Christmas from my daughter. Aren't they cute!? She had them made for us from pictures she had taken. Lily and Molly will always be on our Christmas tree from now on! I hope you had all had a nice holiday. It was a lot of work and we had such a great time. My mother spent the day with us. We ate way too much but had a lot of fun too.

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In between wrapping gifts, I did manage to sew the binding on this quilt. I would try and sew down the binding when I got to sit down during the holiday but I didn't get very far! I'll get it done soon now that the holidays are winding down.

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This is just a closeup of the binding. Almost done!!


  1. Just adorable ornaments--how sweet of your daughter ;)))
    Binding looks great...
    I am slowly trying to finish hand quilting my Pomegranates in the Rain" w/o hurting my hands or far so good==3-4 lines every other day or so....hugs, Julierose

    1. Thank, Julierose! It's hard to get anything done around the holidays. There's too much to do!

  2. Molly and Lily are so cute. great to put them on the tree. I love your stepdown quilt. So pretty.

  3. Cute idea for ornaments. Both kitties look very royal in their poses. My mom spent Christmas with us, too. Very laid back day with lots of good food. Now I have a freezer full of leftovers.

    1. Hope you had a nice holiday! We have a ton of leftovers too. It's so hard to keep away from desserts when I have so many left over.

  4. Such a lovely gift from your daughter, quilting seems to come to a halt over the holidays.

    1. Thanks so much! The holidays are so tiring. I'll be glad when things get back to normal.


I Like Thursday #264

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