Sunday, October 26, 2014

Matching Socks

My socks are done and I hope they make a great Christmas gift for someone on my list. I haven't written out my list yet so I'll decide soon.

I used self striping yarn to knit these socks. I challenged myself to try and make them as identical as possible. That's the hard part about self striping yarn, no control! I tried to figure out the pattern of the stripes. After much measuring and ripped out yarn, I think I came pretty darn close! Not perfect, but okay!

I've started a shawl with one of the kits I bought at the last yarn show I attended. The yarn is gorgeous! It has sequins already attached in the yarn. This is the kit I'm using.

The color alternates between a deep purple and a shade of pink! Very fun! I'll show a picture when I have a little more on the needles.


  1. Such a lovely gift these socks will make. The challenge for me would be to end up with two socks the same size. ^^

    1. Thanks, Kate! I'm not sure they're exactly the same size but pretty close! I still have to wash and block them. I chose a very easy pattern.

  2. Beautiful socks--someone will stay nice and warm this Winter ;--)))...hugs, Julierose

    1. Thanks, Julierose! I've already started wearing mine!!

  3. I think the term "matching socks" is very well represented here! They look identical!
    Love the new yarn you're working with.

    1. Thanks, Em! I've been working on the borders for that old quilt top my mom found. Knitting seems so much calmer!

  4. They look matched to me, someone is going to be lucky get them for Christmas.


I Like Thursday #268

It's time for Thursday likes! Please visit LeeAnna over at  Not Afraid of Color  to link up with more blogs posting fun likes. My two ca...