Sunday, December 31, 2017

Happy New Year!

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I wanted to wish you all a Happy New Year 2018! I'm up waiting for midnight but not sure I can last that long. We're watching Twilight Zone as well as The Three Stooges. It seems to be our New Year tradition!

I hope everyone has a wonderful and healthy 2018 with lots of sewing and quilt time! See you next year!!!

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

On Ringo Lake Part 5

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Ooh, look, more flying geese! This time the main part was black and the two smaller triangles were neutrals. We were snowed in on Saturday so I ended up making half of them in one day. I finished them up on Christmas Eve day. Don't tell anyone! Everyone thought I was busy wrapping gifts!!

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Here are all my cut pieces. I once again used the sew and flip method.

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I sewed the right side first. I ironed and trimmed each piece.

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Then I sewed the left side. 

That's all of Part 5!! I'm linking up over at Bonnie Hunter's blog that you can find here. There are lots of great blogs and accounts to check out. Go take a peek!!

Monday, December 25, 2017

Merry Christmas!!

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Merry Christmas from my house to yours!!

Image may contain: tree, outdoor and nature

It's a White Christmas this year! I don't think my husband liked having to use the snowblower but it does look pretty! 

Have a wonderful holiday!!

Saturday, December 23, 2017

Two More Days!!

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I can't believe it's only 2 days before Christmas. I'm so lucky to be off from work today. I usually work Saturdays but I was needed at the beginning of the week. The weather is just awful outside. It's been snowing and now it's freezing rain. I'm so glad to be able to stay indoors. As you can see, I'm wrapping gifts with my kids and 2 kitties, Molly and Lily. Lily is easy to see but Molly is against the wall under the tree. I think she's hiding!

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Molly is helping us wrap gifts. She ended up biting the paper and trying to eat it. We had to chase her to get it out of her mouth. 

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She also thought the scissors were very interesting. My daughter is holding them for her. Even though the cats are in the way, we're almost done wrapping.

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In between wrapping, I'm trying to get this week's clue done for the mystery quilt, On Ringo Lake. I'm about halfway through this week's clue that was released yesterday. 

Tomorrow, I'll  be baking and getting everything ready for Christmas dinner. We'll be going to my mom's for Christmas Eve. Another storm is predicted for Christmas day. Hope it's not as messy as today.

Enough of a break! Back to wrapping!!

Monday, December 18, 2017

On Ringo Lake Mystery Quilt - Part 4

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Part 4 of On Ringo Lake Mystery Quilt was to make half square triangles. Lots of them! This picture shows my triangles. I used aqua for the square and black for the triangles. I found this clue the easiest so far. I find cutting squares easy and quicker than most other shapes. I was able to finish the whole amount needed over the weekend.

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These are the cut pieces. I was happy to use black fabric with some sort of print on it. I feel it adds interest to the whole quilt.

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I sewed a triangle to one side.

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And then a triangle to the other side. That's it! Done!!

I'm linking up to Quiltville's Mystery Monday Link-up that you can access  here. It's so fun to see everyone's work. Go take a peek!!

Friday, December 15, 2017

Gifts and FMQ

Image may contain: flower and plant

Oops, I bought more Christmas fabric! I just couldn't resist! The sales are so good right now that I just had to buy a yard, or two!! I do have a few more gifts to make so I suppose I needed to buy them. (Kind of!)

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I also made another table runner. One of my close friends really loved the one I made for myself. I'm going to surprise with her own! This picture shows the lines I use to guide my quilting.

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Here's the table runner after being washed. I love the texture! It's so nice to feel all those ridges and bumps!

I started working on Part 4 of the Quiltville Mystery Quilt, On Ringo Lake. It was just released today. It's quicker than Part 3. I think I can get it done this week. Most of my Christmas shopping is finished. It all depends on how much free time I can get out of this very busy week before Christmas. 

Have a wonderful weekend!


Monday, December 11, 2017

On Ringo Lake, Part 3

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Here is half of Part 3 of the On Ringo Lake Mystery Quilt. Boy, this one seems to be taking forever! They're very similar to the flying geese but there's lots of measuring and trimming. They're coming out the right size which is always a plus! I'm using the trusted flip and sew method once again. 

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Here are my many pieces that had to be cut to make all of Part 3.

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I drew my diagonal line and have the pieces all set to be chain pieced.

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Time for the opposite side.  Then I iron and trim. These diagonals are going in the same direction. The next half of this clue, the pieces will be mirror images. The diagonals will start in the opposite corner. 

I'm almost done with Part 3. Hoping Part 4 is quicker! Please go to Bonnie Hunter's Monday Link up and you can see everyone else's Part 3. You can find her page right here. I love seeing everyone's work. There are some very nice blogs to explore while you're at it. 

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Christmas Gifts

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I've been so busy and I'm still working on making just a few more Christmas gifts. Why don't I ever start early?? Between work and the house, I never seem to have enough time! Anyways, I needed more Christmas fabric and bought these two beauties today. Aren't they pretty?? I really love them. 

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These are my finished pieces for On Ringo Lake Mystery Quilt. This quilt is sure keeping me busy! I can't wait to see the big reveal. I think that's going to take awhile. This mystery runs into January. I don't mind a slower pace at all!

Back to on line Christmas shopping! Hope your week is going well!

Sunday, December 3, 2017

On Ringo Lake Mystery, Part 2

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As you can see, Part 2 of On Ringo Lake Mystery is flying geese! Lots of them! Bonnie Hunter gave us a few different methods of making these blocks. I chose the old fashioned sew and flip. It seemed to work best for me. The other methods consisted of using rulers and cutting strips into triangles. I tried one that way and it took me forever. I stuck to what I know!

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I haven't finished them but I do have all my pieces cut. I'm so proud of myself. Instead of using the neutral fabrics I had chosen for this project, I went through my scrap bag and used all the neutrals I could find. I also found a few pinks. I'm determined to use up some of those scraps! Almost all of the neutrals came from my scrap bag. Love it!!

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I did chain piece since I wanted to speed up some of the process. Don't the geese look pretty??

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Here's what I've made so far. I'm still not done with the second clue, but I'm getting there. Hoping to be done by the end of the week.  I'm linking up over at Bonnie's Mystery Link Up for Part 2. You can get there by clicking here.  Enjoy checking out everyone's work. It's so fun to see everyone's progress.

Frightful Fun BOM Update

I'm not sure why but the April blocks for Frightful Fun are already up! I made these blocks in an afternoon. These are quick and easy! (...