Sunday, December 3, 2017

On Ringo Lake Mystery, Part 2

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As you can see, Part 2 of On Ringo Lake Mystery is flying geese! Lots of them! Bonnie Hunter gave us a few different methods of making these blocks. I chose the old fashioned sew and flip. It seemed to work best for me. The other methods consisted of using rulers and cutting strips into triangles. I tried one that way and it took me forever. I stuck to what I know!

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I haven't finished them but I do have all my pieces cut. I'm so proud of myself. Instead of using the neutral fabrics I had chosen for this project, I went through my scrap bag and used all the neutrals I could find. I also found a few pinks. I'm determined to use up some of those scraps! Almost all of the neutrals came from my scrap bag. Love it!!

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I did chain piece since I wanted to speed up some of the process. Don't the geese look pretty??

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Here's what I've made so far. I'm still not done with the second clue, but I'm getting there. Hoping to be done by the end of the week.  I'm linking up over at Bonnie's Mystery Link Up for Part 2. You can get there by clicking here.  Enjoy checking out everyone's work. It's so fun to see everyone's progress.


  1. Hey, it looks like we are going the same way, color wise! Love all your pretty variety!!

  2. Looking good! I love how scrappy it is.

    1. Thanks, Em! So glad I finally get to use some of those tiny scraps I've had hanging around for ages!

  3. pretty cant wait to see the finish. looks great so far

    1. Thanks, Dawn! I'm wondering what it's going to look like when it's done. I like her style so I'm sure I'll like it!

  4. Your geese are so pretty! I like the sew/flip method, too..your flock is getting ready to fly ....hugs, Julierose

    1. Thank you, Julierose! I feel the sew and flip method was the quickest for me. I'm actually getting better at piecing them. I suppose that's true when you're making a lot of anything!

  5. I love your pink geese! They look awesome.


I Like Thursday #264

It's time for I Like Thursday where a bunch of us bloggers post lots of likes. Please visit  LeeAnna  to link up to more blogs. I finish...