Saturday, February 17, 2018

More Longarm Quilting

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Here's my latest longarm project. It's also another table runner from the Longarm Quilting Workbook by Teresa Silva. You can see where I formed an outline and quilted different designs within that framework.

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This is a closeup of my pebbles. They didn't take as long as I thought they would. I love the texture and the look of pebbles. Dense quilting really makes the quilt!

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This is the piece after being trimmed and binding sewn on. I think it will look better after those blue lines are gone!

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Just a photo of the back. I love this fabric! I think the quilting makes the back look so pretty!


  1. Wow, looks good both front and back! You are going to have to buy more tables to display all your pretty tablerunners. :-)

    1. Thanks, Em! I may actually be displaying them on the wall behind my longarm. It's a pretty big wall unfortunately!!

  2. The quilting dose make the back look good. Great job on the front too you are very clever.
    Cheers Pauline

  3. Lovely pink backing piece--you are right the quilting really makes it...hugs, Julierose

    1. Thanks, Julierose! Pink is still one of my favorite colors!

  4. Rosemary this is amazing looking. Awesome Job


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