Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Feathers Everywhere!

 I've been quilting feathers on my Alaska quilt. I've been online searching Alaska quilts that have been custom quilted. I've taken the different ideas and made my own quilting path using a hodge podge of motifs from these finished quilts. I wanted to accentuate the circles that are made by the placement of the fabric so I liked the idea of outlining the circles and filling them with feathers! This picture is in the middle of the row.

This set of feathers is the first in the row. It's a little smaller since the border blocks sort of cut into this row. These feathers aren't very large and very easy to plan. I just have to make a few lines to keep the size in check. They look much harder to make but they're not bad at all.

This picture gives you a better idea of how the row looks. The quilting isn't straight as the rows are but rather dip down into the lower rows as well. It's a lot to keep straight sometimes but I'm loving how it's coming out!


  1. Oh my, Rosemary! The quilting is stunning. This is going to be a masterpiece when it is completed.

    1. Thanks so much, Jeanna! It's really coming along so nicely! So glad you like it too!

  2. Those feathers are just beautiful, Rosemary! they just accentuate those circles so well...lovely choice hugs, Julierose

    1. Thank you so much! I'm really enjoying quilting Alaska. It's so fun. I just have to keep track of what I want to do!!!


I Like Thursday #261 (Late!!)

I'm so late posting for I Like Thursday. Once a week, a group of bloggers post fun and happy likes. Please visit LeeAnna at  Not Afraid ...