Thursday, December 12, 2024

I Like Thursday #258

It's Thursday so it's time for a fun and happy post. Please visit LeeAnna at Not Afraid of Color to hook up to more fun blogs. I finished my last Christmas ornaments yesterday. I plan on giving these ornaments as gifts this year. We had a bad rainstorm so I stayed in and finished my ornaments. I really love how they came out. I hope my friends will love them as much as I do! I wasn't sure how to add that thin trim but I figured it out.

Here's a bird's eye view of my Christmas bargello table runner. This is probably my favorite of all the things I've made for the holiday. I loved learning bargello and being able to applique the ornaments. I just hope my cats don't "discover" this table runner and start pulling off all those ribbons.

Everyone hears how crazy cats can get once the Christmas tree is up. I wanted to show you a picture of Molly just chilling under the tree. Neither one of our cats tried to climb the tree. They enjoy sleeping on the tree skirt. That's fine with me!!

I've been reading so much lately that I was afraid of getting burnt out. I decided to read a book of short stories. I can take my time and the stories aren't very long. I usually pledge to read a certain amount of books every year but I'm not going to do that this year. I'll be taking my time! I'm tired of rushing. Life's too short.

I hope you all have a great weekend. Stay warm!!



  1. Your ornaments are finished so nicely. There are a lot of beautiful stitches there! Love your bargello table runner. It fits the table very well. I've joined a book club that meets at one of our cute used book stores, so I'll be reading at least one book per month. I used to read a lot more books but other hobbies take up most of my extra time.

    1. Thank you, Jeanna! Your book club sounds so fun. I'm definitely too busy to read right now. There are certain times of the year that reading time is hard to come by.

  2. Cute little ornaments. I love, LOVE that table runner!

    1. Thanks, Sally! So glad I started making these early!

  3. So much Christmas beauty! I love your ornaments!

  4. Thanks, Angela! My favorites are the ones the kids made when they were little! They're not perfect but remind me of their younger days.


I Like Thursday #266

It's time for Thursday likes! Please visit  LeeAnna  to find more blogs taking part in I Like Thursday. I kept hearing a weird noise whi...