Sunday, April 23, 2017

More Machine Quilting

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I finally started machine quilting the scrap quilt I made a little while ago. It took me forever to decide what to do with that border. It's a 5 inch border but it's pieced and has a 1-inch strip running right through the middle of it. I decided on these loops in mirror images of each other. It was easy to make my little loops in that 1-inch piece.

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I made my little arcs in the 9 patches and wishbones in the solid fabric. I liked quilting my up and down loops in the on-point 9 patch. I've completed the first row as well as the top border and a little bit of each side borders. I feel calmer now that I've quilted all the different patterns at least once. 

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I've completed quilting block 8 of Arcadia Avenue. 

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This is a better look at the quilting. I made loops in the triangular area. I outlined 1/4 inch inside the border triangles. I also made little loops in the white area. Just like the center!

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You can see the loops a little better in the center here. 

That's it for machine quilting for me! I've got to do some piecing soon! Green Tea and Sweet Beans is almost done. I have to cut a ton of 1.5 inch squares. I think around 100! I'm really looking forward to putting that quilt top together! 


  1. Lots of terrific quilting going on at your house! Your Arcadia Avenue must be almost done!

    1. Thank you for the nice comment! I wish Arcadia Avenue was almost done! I'm getting there. I'm on block 9 out of 12. On my way!

  2. Lovely quilting pattern...hugs, Julierose

    1. Thank you, Julierose! Having fun with my projects!


I Like Thursday #268

It's time for Thursday likes! Please visit LeeAnna over at  Not Afraid of Color  to link up with more blogs posting fun likes. My two ca...