Friday, November 3, 2017

Power Restored!

Image may contain: indoor

We had an awful wind and rain storm Sunday night. I had to work Monday morning at 7am. I set the alarm on my cell phone but I still kept waking up to check the time. I think we lost power around 4am. I had flash lights ready and it wasn't too bad. Unfortunately, the power didn't return until Wednesday afternoon at 3pm. It was not a pleasant experience! My house was so cold Wednesday morning. I was very grateful when the power got restored. What a relief!

I wish I could say I got a lot of handwork done. I found the lack of power to be very stressful and just didn't even feel like doing handwork. I kept reading my book but that's the most I accomplished. Once the power was back, I had a ton of laundry to catch up. I did start sewing down the binding on my neighbor's quilt last night. I have one short side done as you can see above.

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These is just a close up. It's hard to get the whole side into one picture. I'm actually turning the corner. 

I feel like I wasted the week but there wasn't much I could do. Our town is having Trick or Treat tomorrow night. I'm hoping we finally get back to normal. We're also looking into a generator. Don't want to go through this again!!


  1. Sorry you had to go so long without power. I bet a lot of kids were unhappy to have to wait extra days for Halloween.

    1. It felt like forever! Not sure how much kids minded since they didn't have school for most of the week. We finally had Trick or Treat last night. Long week!!

  2. We lucked out and only were without power for 12 hours...but I didn't do anything then either--I find it very stressful and nerve wracking when this happens and have no energy for handwork...Alas, i still am searching for my sewing mojo which has gone walkabout..;((( hugs, Julierose

    1. I know what you mean. It's cold and just not normal when you have no power. I accomplished nothing! I had plenty of cleaning and laundry to do when the power did get back. I couldn't get to any of my projects for awhile! Hope you get your mojo back. Might just need a quick break!


I Like Thursday #260

It's time for I Like Thursday! The holidays are officially over. It's so much work to prepare and yet the holidays go by so fast. Ou...