Sunday, April 8, 2018

Scrappy Goodness!

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I made 3 more blocks. This is all my blocks so far. I love the scrappiness!

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These are the beginning pieces for my new blocks. I just cut out the proper amount of dark fabrics as well as light fabrics. I put them together into these almost 9 patches.

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Then I group them into groups of 2 dark chain and 2 light chain per block. 

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I set the blocks up so you can see how the light and dark chains will line up in the final setup. Scrap quilts make all fabrics look good. You can hide some really bad ones in there and it all works! 


  1. Oh I really like how this is coming together so beautifully--hugs, Julierose

    1. Thanks, Julierose! It's a relaxing sort of project.

  2. Nice job. I like the way the chains make your eye move around the quilt

    1. Thank you, Dawn! I think those chains are the funnest part of the quilt!

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I Like Thursday #264

It's time for I Like Thursday where a bunch of us bloggers post lots of likes. Please visit  LeeAnna  to link up to more blogs. I finish...