Tuesday, January 14, 2025

More Progress on Projects

 I've been steadily keeping up quilting on Alaska. I'm almost at the end! I have 2 blocks left to quilt and then I have a few circles of feathers similar to what you see in this picture. The circles of feathers are large and the quilting is done quickly once everything has been marked. I don't plan on taking this quilt off the frame once the quilting is complete. There is so much to the quilt pattern that I'm going to go over the quilt with a fine tooth comb to make sure I didn't miss something. I've had to put the quilt back on the frame for missing a few areas and I don't want to do that again! I also still have one border left to quilt. Almost there!!

Here's my cross stitch project with a little more color added to it! I really love how it's coming out. It's making me think Spring is right around the corner! (Even if it really isn't!!) Just working with some Spring colors helps me to feel better and ignore the cold outside!


Halloween BOM Frightful Fu

I've been working on my Frightful Fun BOM since I'm all caught up with the Laurel Ridge BOM sponsored by The Quilt Show. I finished ...