I made this stocking for a very close friend who doesn't sew. The pattern is in the November 2018 issue of American Quilter. She likes to see my free motion quilting so I thought this stocking would be the perfect gift for her. I plan on filling it with gifts for her. It measures about 10" by 18".

I traced the pattern onto the right side of my fabric.

The pattern recommended to get prequilted fabric for the back of the stocking. I decided to make my own. I just used a quick meander.

I filled each space with a different quilting motif. I took out my books and tried to find various motifs to fill each space. This part was fun!

I cut out the stocking and added binding. Here's a closeup of the top of the stocking.

This is a closeup of the bottom of the stocking. The binding at the top of the stocking has already been sewn down. I'm making my way around the outside of the stocking. I clipped the rounded edges so the binding will lay down smoothly. It's so nice to start Christmas gifts early for a change!