Monday, November 12, 2018

FMQ and Grid Quilting

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I finished quilting the first row of Step Down Quilt. It's a little frustrating that these squares finished at 9 1/2 inches. It's not that easy to divide it up evenly. I'm trying the best I can. The inner square was quilted using a grid. I made wavy curve lines that remind me of sashiko. The pattern is called Plover. I used ribbon candy to quilt the sashing. I haven't decided how to quilt the dark blue sashing. I'll do that at the end. 

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I also used a grid for this square. It's just a clamshell that off sets each row. This fabric is so busy that I wasn't sure what to do with it. This pattern seemed like it would work. 

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Here we have very busy fabric! I quilted swirls with petals around them. 

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This fabric was the hardest for me to quilt. I divided it into quarters, corner to corner. I quilted feathers using the edge of the square as the stem. I could barely see what I was doing! I set up my light so I could see but it was still difficult. 

I feel this quilt is great practice for me. I have a bunch of books that I leaf through and get ideas to try. I'll be starting the next row soon!!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, Dawn! You were the driving force behind this quilt. Thank you!

  2. this is so lovely--you are an amazing quilter...hugs, Julierose


I Like Thursday #264

It's time for I Like Thursday where a bunch of us bloggers post lots of likes. Please visit  LeeAnna  to link up to more blogs. I finish...